Chaim Weizmann Biography

(Former President of Israel)

Birthday: November 27, 1874 (Sagittarius)

Born In: Motal

Chaim Weizmann was born into a large Jewish family and cherished his faith and cultural identity throughout his life. He went abroad as a young adult to study science seriously, finally settling in the United Kingdom to begin his career teaching chemistry. He is responsible for the discovery of industrial fermentation, in which a certain mixture of chemicals is used to mass produce another substance. This discovery greatly aided the war efforts for Britain and gained Weizmann the respect of many British cabinet members. He used his new found influence here to champion his Zionist cause. He was of the opinion that the Jewish people needed a home and that Jerusalem should be it. He fought his whole life to bring Jewish education to Palestine and served as President for many pro-Zionist organizations in Britain and worldwide. Because of these efforts, he was chosen as the first President of Israel. Though the position was mostly ceremonial he used it to promote Israel on a global platform. A staunch advocate of the Zionist cause all his life, Chaim Weizmann continued to work for a separate land for Jews all throughout his life. His contribution to the scientific community is commemorated by the University of Manchester which gives an annual award named after the famous scientist.
Quick Facts

British Celebrities Born In November

Also Known As: Chaim Azriel Weizmann, Chaim Weizmann

Died At Age: 77


Spouse/Ex-: Vera Weizmann

siblings: Maria Weizman

children: Michael Oser Weizmann

Chemists Presidents

Died on: November 9, 1952

place of death: Rehovot

Founder/Co-Founder: Democratic Zionist Fraction, Weizmann Institute of Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

More Facts

education: University of Fribourg, Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt

  • 1

    What was Chaim Weizmann's role in the establishment of the State of Israel?

    Chaim Weizmann was a key figure in the Zionist movement and played a significant role in advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, which eventually led to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.
  • 2

    How did Chaim Weizmann contribute to the development of the Jewish community in Palestine?

    Chaim Weizmann was instrumental in promoting Jewish immigration to Palestine and in fostering economic, educational, and cultural development in the region, laying the foundation for the future State of Israel.
  • 3

    What was Chaim Weizmann's involvement in the Balfour Declaration?

    Chaim Weizmann played a crucial role in lobbying the British government to issue the Balfour Declaration in 1917, which expressed support for the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine, marking a significant milestone in the Zionist movement.
  • 4

    How did Chaim Weizmann influence international support for the Zionist cause?

    Chaim Weizmann used his diplomatic skills and connections to garner international support for the Zionist movement, securing important alliances and endorsements that ultimately contributed to the establishment of the State of Israel.
  • 5

    What was Chaim Weizmann's vision for the future of Israel?

    Chaim Weizmann envisioned a democratic and prosperous State of Israel that would serve as a homeland for the Jewish people, promoting peace and cooperation with its neighbors in the region.
Childhood & Early Life
He was born to Rachel, a housewife, and Oizer Czermerinsky Weizmann, a timber merchant. He was one of fifteen children.
In 1892, he left what is now Belarus to study chemistry in Germany at the age of 18. He studied at the ‘Polytechnic Institute of Darmstadt’ and then at the ‘Technische Hochschule’ Berlin. He finally he earned his PhD in organic chemistry from the ‘University of Fribourg’ in Switzerland.
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In 1901, he began his teaching career at the ‘University of Geneva’ and went on to be a senior lecturer at the ‘University of Manchester’ in England three years later. It was here he became a leader for the British Zionists.
Also in 1901, he teamed up with Martin Buber and Berthold Feiwel to lobby for a Jewish school in Palestine. It took 11 years, but eventually the ‘Technion – Israel Institute of Technology’ was established.
It was during his time at the ‘University of Manchester’ (roughly beginning in 1904) where he discovered how to use bacterial fermentation to make more of a given substance. This scientific practice is now known as ‘acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation’ and proved very useful during WWI.
His scientific discovery of industrial fermentation earned him the respect of British cabinet members who were then more sympathetic to his Zionistic goals. In 1907, he visited Jerusalem and helped found the ‘Palestine Land Development Company’, a more practical approach to his Zionism.
Ten years later in 1917, he worked with Alfred Balfour as the President of the ‘British Zionist Federation’ to create the ‘Balfour Declaration.’ This supported the idea that Palestine should be the natural home for Jewish people. Weizmann released a statement defending his form of Zionism, saying there was nothing malicious about it – simply a Jewish longing for home.
He initiated a peace treaty in 1919, and an agreement was signed with the Arabic Prince Faisal that hoped to establish a positive relationship between Arabs and Jews.
In 1920, he was named president of the ‘World Zionist Organization’ and worked with Albert Einstein to fundraise for a Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
The ‘Daniel Sieff Research Institute’ endowed by Zionists was created in 1934. Weizmann did research in the laboratories here. He was also President in-charge of the organization.
In 1936, he spoke on the loss of support for the Zionist cause throughout the past decade and attempted to stir passions as he claimed there were 6,000,000 Jews that were forbidden from living from many places in this world.
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This movement turned into the Jewish Brigade during the Second World War and fought on the Italian front. However, the rising violence in Palestine discouraged Weizmann from the movement and his influence within the group began to slip.
In 1949, he was elected President of Israel, the first one ever for this country. This position was largely ceremonial, but he was able to meet with US President Harry Truman and convince him to recognize the newly formed state of Israel. He held this position until his death.
Major Works
In 1904 and the following years, he began his discovery of industrial fermentation. This discovery allowed substances to be mass-produced more easily using a chemical formula. This greatly aided British efforts in World War I and gained him respect from Churchill and his aides.
Throughout his life, he was a champion for leading the Zionist cause. In 1920, he served as president for their worldwide alliance.
In 1949, he was chosen to be the first president of Israel. He convinced the US and many other countries to recognize Israel as a serious new state, although the position was largely ceremonial.
Awards & Achievements
Multiple times in the 1920s, he was reelected as honorary president of the British Zionists. After being a champion for the Zionist cause his whole life, he was asked to be the first president of Israel.
Personal Life & Legacy
He married Vera Weizmann in 1906 and they had two children together, Benjamin and Michael. Michael was killed fighting in the Royal Air Force during World War II when his plane was shot down.
Ezer Weizmann, his nephew, became president of Israel following in his uncle’s footsteps.
In 1949, the ‘Daniel Sieff Research Institute’ was renamed the ‘Weizmann Institute of Science’ in his honor. He published ‘Trial and Error: The Autobiography of Chaim Weizmann’ in the same year.
The ‘University of Manchester’ awards ‘The Weizmann Prize for Biochemistry’ annually for an undergraduate senior showing promise in the field.
Facts About Chaim Weizmann

Chaim Weizmann was known for his love of music and was an accomplished violinist.

Weizmann had a great sense of humor and was known for his witty remarks and clever jokes, endearing him to many who knew him personally.
Despite his busy schedule as a leader and statesman, Weizmann made time for his passion for gardening and spent hours tending to his plants and flowers.
Weizmann had a fondness for animals and kept several pets, including dogs and cats, which he considered important companions in his personal life.
In addition to his political achievements, Weizmann was also a skilled writer and published several books and articles on various subjects, showcasing his intellectual depth beyond his diplomatic roles.
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