Joshua Chamberlain Biography

(Educator & War Hero)

Birthday: September 8, 1828 (Virgo)

Born In: Brewer

Joshua Chamberlain was an American professor-turned-soldier who commanded the 20th Maine Regiment to glorious victory at Gettysburg during the American Civil War. He earned a battlefield promotion and was gravely wounded six times during the Civil War. Chamberlain projected himself to ensuing generations as a man with extraordinary leadership skills during war. After the war, he went on to serve four terms as Governor of Maine and later became the president of Bowdoin College, where he was once both an alumnus and a professor. One of his best-known works is a definitive account of the war titled, ‘The Passing of the Armies’, which was published after his death. A genuine icon of Civil War lore, he was an impeccable scholar who frantically wanted to serve his country and hence, joined the army. Although his career as a college professor is muddled with obscurity, he was believed to be one of the intellectuals of his time, transforming a number of letdowns into literati. In the Union army, he served in more than 20 actions and ended his service at the rank of ‘Major General’. He spent his sunset years writing and speaking to others about his prolific and prosaic experiences at war.
Quick Facts

Nick Name: Lion of the Round Top

Also Known As: Lawrence Joshua Chamberlain

Died At Age: 85


Spouse/Ex-: Fanny Chamberlain

father: Joshua Chamberlain

mother: Sarah Dupree

siblings: Thomas Chamberlain

children: Allen, Emily Stelle Chamberlain, Gertrude Loraine Chamberlain, Grace Dupee, Harold Wyllys Chamberlain

Soldiers Educators

political ideology: Republican

Died on: February 24, 1914

place of death: Portland

U.S. State: Maine

Ideology: Republicans

More Facts

education: Bowdoin College

  • 1

    What role did Joshua Chamberlain play in the American Civil War?

    Joshua Chamberlain was a Union Army officer who is best known for his heroic actions at the Battle of Gettysburg, where he commanded the 20th Maine Infantry Regiment and successfully defended Little Round Top.

  • 2

    How did Joshua Chamberlain contribute to the Union victory at Gettysburg?

    Joshua Chamberlain played a crucial role in securing the Union left flank at the Battle of Gettysburg by executing a daring bayonet charge against Confederate forces, preventing their advance and helping secure a Union victory.

  • 3

    What was Joshua Chamberlain's significance in the surrender ceremony at Appomattox Courthouse?

    Joshua Chamberlain was chosen by General Ulysses S. Grant to oversee the formal surrender of Confederate arms at Appomattox Courthouse, symbolizing the end of the American Civil War and demonstrating respect toward the defeated Confederate soldiers.

  • 4

    How did Joshua Chamberlain continue to serve his country after the Civil War?

    After the Civil War, Joshua Chamberlain pursued a career in politics and public service, serving as Governor of Maine and later as President of Bowdoin College, where he made significant contributions to education and veterans' affairs.

  • 5

    What impact did Joshua Chamberlain have on the post-war reconciliation between North and South?

    Joshua Chamberlain became known for his efforts in promoting reconciliation and unity between the North and South after the Civil War. His speeches and actions emphasized the importance of healing divisions and moving forward as a reunited nation.

Childhood & Early Life
Lawrence Joshua Chamberlain was born to Joshua Chamberlain and Sarah Dupree in Brewer, Maine. He was very close to his mother particularly because his father was always tough on him.
He enjoyed horseback riding as a young boy and also indulged in other activities including sailing, swimming and bird-watching.
A shy boy, he never liked to speak outside of his family too much because of a speech disorder he suffered for the rest of his life. He studied at Bowdoin College in 1848 and graduated from the same four years later.
After his marriage, he studied at the Bangor Theological Seminary and began his career as a professor of rhetoric. He began teaching almost all the subjects in the prospectus except science and mathematics.
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He was selected to the chair of modern languages in 1861 and gained proficiency in multiple languages such as Greek, Latin, French, Hebrew, Arabic, Italian and Syriac.
With the eruption of the Civil War in 1861, he wanted to serve his country. Much to the anger of the staff of Bowdoin, he entered the war as Lieutenant Colonel of the 20th Regiment of Maine Volunteers, the next year.
Under Commander Adelbert Ames, he learnt quickly the ways of being a soldier through sheer dedication and observation and was soon put in charge of a whole regiment in 1862. The 20th Regiment was assigned to the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, V Corps in the Union Army of the Potomac.
The 20th Maine fought at the Battle of Fredericksburg, which proved to be a demoralizing failure to the Union. The remaining months of 1862 went uneventful.
He was appointed as Colonel of his regiment and they were immediately drawn into a battle on July 2, 1863 at Gettysburg, one of the major battles of his career.
In 1864, he commanded his brigade during the Battle of Spotsylvania and the battle at Bethesda Church. The same year, he was appointed as the commander of the 1st Division’s new 1st Brigade of Pennsylvania regiments. As the new commander, he once again fought a valiant battle at Rives’ Salient, but was gravely wounded in this battle.
He was promoted to Brigadier General on the battlefield, given to him by General Ulysses Grant.
He was nearly taken as a captive in 1865 during the war against the Confederates. For his outstanding leadership skills and bravery despite being wounded once again, he was promoted as Major General by President Lincoln. The same year, the Union had another significant victory during the ‘Battle of Five Forks’.
After the war ended, the Union Army of Potomac held a grand assessment wherein, Chamberlain and the soldiers who lost their lives in the war were honored. Once the war ended, he returned to a normal civilian life.
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He earned an honorary doctor of law degree from Pennsylvania College and one from Bowdoin in 1866 and 1869, respectively and went on to teach at college. However, he did not find his job interesting which was unlike his exciting life on the battlefield.
He decided to join politics in 1866 and was elected as the Governor of Maine, a position he served for four terms, concluding his last term four years later in 1870.
In 1871, he returned to Bowdoin College and was elected as President of Bowdoin by the deputies of his college. During his time as the President, he introduced relatively unheard-of and ostracized ideas at the college and when he realized that he could not bring about much change, he quit the post in 1883. In between this time, he was also elected as military commander of the state.
In the final years of his life, he engaged in a number of business projects and wrote about his experiences at war. One such publication titled, ‘The Passing of the Armies’ was authored by Chamberlain and was published a year after his death.
Major Battles
In 1863, Chamberlain made a decisive call during the Battle of Gettysburg, which saved the army, when they decided to attack, leading to a victory. Despite a number of the Union soldiers being mutilated and regardless of being given orders to not give away the Union’s position by Colonel Vincent, he took the decision to counterattack anyway. It was after this major decision, the Unions achieved victory, led by Chamberlain, following which he was given the command of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Fifth Corps. He recounts his experiences at Gettysburg in his book ‘Through Blood and Fire at Gettysburg’.
Awards & Achievements
He was honored with the Congressional Medal of Honor, one of the highest military honors.
He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallantry during the Battle of Gettysburg, in 1893.
Personal Life & Legacy
He fell in love with Frances (Fanny) Caroline Adams who was a member of the church choir. She was three years his senior and they got married in 1855.
The couple had five children - one died early and two died in infancy.
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He was extremely kind and compassionate towards fellow soldiers and took personal attention to make sure that the personal possessions of the dead were sent back home.
He suffered from severe malarial fever during a battle and suffered from several wounds during his countless battles.
He passed away after succumbing to persistent war wounds and was interred at Pine Grove Cemetery in Brunswick, Maine.
His legacy is a long and interesting one. His house has been converted into the Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum and is currently maintained by the Pejepscot Historical Society.
The village of Chamberlain in the town of Bristol is named after him.
In 2013, the original Medal of Honor which was presented to Chamberlain was contributed to the Pejepscot Historical Society.
He has been mentioned countless times in popular culture, media and writings.
Facts About Joshua Chamberlain

Joshua Chamberlain was a skilled linguist, fluent in different languages including Latin, Greek, and Arabic, which helped him communicate with soldiers from various backgrounds during the Civil War.

Chamberlain was a devoted educator and served as the president of Bowdoin College in Maine for over a decade after the war, where he made significant contributions to the institution's academic and financial success.

Despite being a fierce fighter on the battlefield, Chamberlain was known for his compassion towards wounded soldiers, often risking his own safety to ensure they received proper medical care.

Chamberlain had a deep appreciation for the arts and literature, and was known to recite poetry to his troops to inspire and uplift their spirits during difficult times.

Chamberlain's legacy extends beyond his military accomplishments, as he played a key role in promoting reconciliation and unity in the years following the Civil War, emphasizing the importance of healing and moving forward as a nation.

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