Gustav Stresemann Biography

(Chancellor of Germany)

Birthday: May 10, 1878 (Taurus)

Born In: Berlin

Gustav Stresemann was a German politician who served as Chancellor of Weimar and later served as Foreign Minister of the Weimer Republic till his death. As a strong nationalist he played a prominent role in bringing out Weimar Germany from its bleak period of hyperinflation to the more promising ‘Golden Years of Weimer’. He was a Reichstag deputy who was elected ‘National Liberal Party’s’ leader and few years later he founded the ‘German People’s Party’ along with majority of National Liberal Party’s centre and right wings and became its chairman. His vision of making Germany progress economically and regain its position back in the European community after the World War I led him to abide by the ‘Versailles Treaty’. His move became successful winning allies from Western Europe. His most remarkable achievement was his policy of negotiation and reconciliation with France that also witnessed sponsorship of France in aiding entry of Germany in the ‘League of Nations’. He shared the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ with the French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand in 1926, for their efforts in improving relations between Germany and France especially after the World War I.
Quick Facts

German Celebrities Born In May

Died At Age: 51


Spouse/Ex-: Käte Kleefeld

father: Ernst Stresemann

children: Hans-Joachim, Wolfgang

Nobel Peace Prize Presidents

Died on: October 3, 1929

place of death: Berlin

City: Berlin, Germany

  • 1

    What role did Gustav Stresemann play in the Weimar Republic?

    Gustav Stresemann served as Chancellor of Germany for a brief period in 1923 and later as Foreign Minister from 1923-1929. He played a key role in stabilizing the German economy and negotiating international treaties.

  • 2

    What were some of Gustav Stresemann's major accomplishments?

    Some of Stresemann's major accomplishments include stabilizing the German economy during the hyperinflation crisis, negotiating the Dawes Plan to restructure Germany's reparations payments, and signing the Locarno Treaties to improve relations with France and Britain.

  • 3

    How did Gustav Stresemann's policies impact Germany's diplomatic relations?

    Stresemann's policies aimed to improve Germany's diplomatic relations with other countries. His efforts in negotiation and diplomacy helped Germany regain a more prominent position in international affairs after World War I.

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    What was Gustav Stresemann's stance on the Treaty of Versailles?

    Stresemann initially criticized the Treaty of Versailles for being too harsh on Germany, but he later accepted its terms and worked towards fulfilling Germany's obligations while also seeking revisions through diplomatic means.

  • 5

    How did Gustav Stresemann's death impact German politics?

    Gustav Stresemann's death in 1929 was a significant loss for German politics. His pragmatic and diplomatic approach to foreign policy was revered, and his passing left a void in leadership that contributed to the instability of the Weimar Republic in the years that followed.

Childhood & Early Life
He was born on May 10, 1878, in Berlin, Germany, into a lower middle class family. His father Ernst Stresemann was a beer distributor, a small bar owner and also rented rooms for extra income.
He was an excellent student and received good quality education attending high school and university. He excelled in German literature and poetry and showed inclination in modern history. He was inspired by the likes of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Napoleon.
In 1897, he enrolled in the ‘University of Berlin’ and studied political economy which gave him exposure in nationalistic and liberal ideas including the principles and ideologies of socialism.
He actively participated in the German student’s movement, the ‘Burschenschaften’, during his university days. In April 1898, he became the editor of the newspaper ‘Allgemeine Deutsche Universitäts-Zeitung’ where his editorials often criticized other contemporary political parties. He used to pen down his composite views on liberalism and nationalism.
In 1898, he took transfer from the ‘University of Berlin’ to the ‘University of Leipzig’ in order to pursue doctorate. In January 1901, he submitted his thesis, which was based on Berlin’s bottled beer industry.
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His career started in a trade association and his swift progress in commerce initiated his first step into politics. From 1901 to 1904 he served the ‘German Chocolate Makers’ Association’ as its administrative assistant establishing himself as an effective and diligent coordinator and negotiator.
In 1902, he established the ‘Saxon Manufacturers’ Association’ and represented the association legally till 1911.
In 1903, he joined the ‘National Liberal Party’ and represented the party effectively in Saxony.
Stresemann was elected in 1906 as the Dresden city councillor and served in the position till 1912, mastering skills on municipal affairs. During that period he also remained editor of ‘Sächsische Industrie’, a Dresden magazine, and gained acclaim for his writings on economics. Eventually he led the ‘National Liberal Party’ in Saxony.
In 1907, he set foot in national politics after being elected to the Reichstag that is the parliament, representing the Annaberg district. Stresemann became the youngest deputy in the parliament.
He became close to the chairman of the party, Ernst Bassermann who aided him to progress in his political career. However, in 1912 he had to give up his position as an executive committee member of the party following conflict with the more conservative wing of the party for supporting extended social-welfare legislations.
In 1912, he lost in the elections of Reichstag as well as in the town council following which he made a trip to the US along with few business leaders to study the economic conditions there. Later he founded the ‘German-American Economic Association’.
In December 1914, he was again elected to the Reichstag through a special election. This time he became the de facto leader of the faction of National Liberal members in the Reichstag because of Bassermann’s absence there, either due to poor health or for military service.
As the World War I broke out in Europe, Stresemann like most Germans viewed that the nation was simply carrying out a defensive war. He slowly shifted from the left to the right wing of the party and defended the monarchy and expansionist objectives of the nation.
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He worked in close association with General Erich Ludendorff and Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg from 1916 and often voiced their opinion in the parliament. He opposed Chancellor Hollweg’s policy and supported unlimited submarine warfare.
In 1917, he became the leader of the ‘National Liberal Party’ following the death of Bassermann.
In 1918, after the war that witnessed the defeat and subsequent crumbling of the monarchy on November 9, he gradually moulded himself as a more realistic republican. He became a member of the ‘German Democratic Party’ which was led by the likes of Naumann and Max Weber but was dismissed by the party due to his link with the right wing.
He later founded the ‘German People’s Party’ in 1918 along with majority of National Liberal Party’s centre and right wings and became its chairman. The party advocated lower tariffs and secular education.
After being elected in the Reichstag in 1920 he remained in the opposition for the next three years.
In 1922, Germany signed the ‘Treaty of Rapallo’ with Russia.
Later he joined hands with the left and centre parties although he and his party initially opposed the ‘Weimar Republic’ - which was formed in 1919 to replace monarchy and establish democracy in Germany.
A coalition government was formed that included the members from the Centre, the Social Democrats, the German Democrats and also his party. He was appointed as Chancellor and Foreign Minister on August 13, 1923. While he remained the Chancellor till November 23, he held the post of Foreign Minister till his death.
In his short tenure as the Chancellor he put to an end to resistance of the Germans against the Belgian and French ‘Occupation of the Ruhr’ and made efforts to stabilize German currency. He strongly handled insurgency in Saxony and re-established system in Bavaria following failure of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Beer Hall Putsch’.
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He remained the unchallenged Foreign Minister till his death in different coalition governments of varying compositions starting from centre to left. One of his notable accomplishments as Finance Minister was signing of the ‘Dawes Plan’ in 1924 that led to reduced reparation payments and financial stability for Germany.
In April 1926 the ‘Treaty of Berlin’ was signed. His vision of making Germany progress economically and regain its position back in the European community after the World War I led him to comply with the ‘Versailles Treaty’. His move became successful winning him allies from Western Europe especially France.
The ‘Kellogg-Briand Pact’ was signed by Germany in August 1928. The signatories of the pact agreed not to adopt war to resolve conflicts and disputes. This move taken by Germany changed perspective of people about Weimer Germany which led to the ‘Young Plan’ of February 1929, the negotiations of which were conducted by Stresemann.
Major Works
The most remarkable achievement of Stresemann as Foreign Minister was his policy of negotiation and reconciliation with France that witnessed sponsorship of France in aiding entry of Germany in the ‘League of Nations’ in September 1926. Germany became a permanent member of the ‘Security Council’.
Awards & Achievements
He was a co-recipient of the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ along with the French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand in 1926.
Personal Life & Legacy
He married Käte Kleefeld in 1903. Her father Adolf Kleefeld was a wealthy businessman and her brother Kurt von Kleefeld was the last person in Germany to be ennobled in 1918. Kate played a key role in the Berlin society during the 1920s.
The couple had two sons, Wolfgang born in 1904 and Hans-Joachim born in 1908.
On October 3, 1929 he succumbed to a stroke and was buried in ‘Luisenstadt Cemetery’ at Berlin Kreuzberg.
Facts About Gustav Stresemann

Gustav Stresemann was known for his love of fashion and was often seen wearing stylish suits and accessories, adding a touch of flair to his political persona.

Stresemann was an avid collector of rare books and manuscripts, with a particular interest in historical documents related to German culture and politics.

Despite his busy schedule as a statesman, Stresemann made time for his hobbies, which included playing the piano and gardening, showing a more personal and creative side to his personality.

In addition to his political achievements, Stresemann was also a dedicated family man, known for his strong bond with his wife and children, highlighting his commitment to both his public and private life.

See the events in life of Gustav Stresemann in Chronological Order

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