Benjamin Netanyahu Biography

(Prime Minister)

Birthday: October 21, 1949 (Libra)

Born In: Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu is the prime minister of Israel. He assumed office on 31 March 2009. He also serves as a member of Knesset (Israeli parliament) and minister of public diplomacy and diaspora Affairs. Netanyahu, who has a rich political history, had previously served as the prime minister of Israel from 1996 to 1999 after which he temporarily retired from politics following his defeat to Ehud Barak. However, the fall of the Barak administration rekindled his political ambitions and he returned to politics, eventually becoming the prime minister again in 2009. He began his career with the ‘Israel Defense Forces’ during the ‘Six-Day War’ and participated in several missions, including ‘Operation Inferno,’ ‘Operation Gift,’ and ‘Operation Isotope.’ Over the course of his distinguished military career, he fought in numerous wars and took part in ‘Special Forces’ raids. Post his military career, he resumed his education at ‘Massachusetts Institute of Technology’ and eventually entered politics in Israeli. He held a number of ambassadorship positions, including that of being the Israeli ambassador to the ‘United Nations’ before being elected to the Knesset as a Likud member. He has also authored several books in Hebrew and English, some of which have been translated to other languages.

Quick Facts

Nick Name: Bibi

Age: 74 Years, 74 Year Old Males


Spouse/Ex-: Sara Netanyahu (m. 1991), Fleur Cates (m. 1981–1984), Miriam Weizmann (m. 1972–1978)

father: Benzion Netanyahu

mother: Zila Netanyahu

siblings: Iddo Netanyahu, Yonatan Netanyahu

children: Avner Netanyahu, Noa, Noa Netanyahu-Roth, Yair Netanyahu

Born Country: Israel

Left Handed Prime Ministers

Height: 6'0" (183 cm), 6'0" Males

City: Tel Aviv, Israel

More Facts

education: MIT Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cheltenham High School, Harvard University

  • 1

    What is Benjamin Netanyahu known for?

    Benjamin Netanyahu is known for being the Prime Minister of Israel and serving multiple terms in office.

  • 2

    What are some key policies or initiatives of Benjamin Netanyahu?

    Benjamin Netanyahu is known for his strong stance on national security, including advocating for a tough approach toward Iran's nuclear program and supporting military campaigns in the region.

  • 3

    How has Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership impacted Israel's economy?

    During his tenure, Benjamin Netanyahu implemented economic reforms that led to a period of growth and stability in Israel's economy, including reducing inflation and promoting privatization.

  • 4

    What is Benjamin Netanyahu's relationship with the United States?

    Benjamin Netanyahu has had a complex relationship with the United States, often clashing with former President Barack Obama over issues such as the Iran nuclear deal, but maintaining a close alliance with former President Donald Trump.

  • 5

    How has Benjamin Netanyahu navigated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during his time in office?

    Benjamin Netanyahu has taken a tough stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, advocating for Israeli security interests and settlements in the West Bank, while also engaging in peace talks with Palestinian leaders at various points in his career.

Childhood & Early Life
He was born on 21 October 1949, in Tel Aviv, Israel, to Tzila Segal and Benzion Netanyahu. His father was a noted Jewish historian who worked as a professor.
He spent his childhood in Jerusalem where he attended ‘Henrietta Szold Elementary School.’ He was a bright student, very disciplined, active, polite, and helpful.
His family moved to Philadelphia, United States, in 1963 and he enrolled at ‘Cheltenham High School’ from where he graduated in 1967. He then left for Israel to enlist in the Israeli Army.
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He trained as a combat soldier in the ‘Israeli Defense Forces’ and was on the team that rescued a hijacked jet plane at the Tel Aviv airport in 1972. During the rescue operation, he was shot in the shoulder.
He returned to the US in late 1972 and enrolled at the ‘Massachusetts Institute of Technology’ to study architecture. However, he went back to Israel in 1973 to fight in the ‘Yom Kippur War’ for a 40-day period.
He returned to the US to complete his studies and earned a S.B. degree in architecture in 1975 and received a S.M. degree from the ‘MIT Sloan School of Management’ in 1977. At the same time, he also studied political science at ‘Harvard University.’
After completing his education, he was appointed as a management consultant for the ‘Boston Consulting Group’ in Massachusetts where he worked from 1976 to 1978.
He returned to Israel in 1978. Over a period of time, he started connecting with several Israeli politicians.
In 1982, prominent politician Moshe Arens selected him as his Deputy Chief of Mission at the ‘Israeli Embassy’ in Washington, D.C., a position which he held till 1984.
He served as the Israeli ambassador to the ‘United Nations’ from 1984 to 1988.
He was elected a member of the Knesset by the ‘Likud Party’ in 1988, and served as deputy minister for foreign affairs. He was chosen as the party’s prime ministerial candidate in the 1996 Israeli legislative election.
He won the election, defeating incumbent ‘Labor’ candidate Shimon Peres and assumed office on 18 June 1996. During his term, he signed the ‘Hebron’ and ‘Wye Accords,’ expanded government privatization, liberalized currency regulations, and reduced deficits.
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He was defeated by Ehud Barak in the 1999 elections. Following his defeat, he retired from politics and served as a senior consultant with Israeli communications equipment developer ‘BATM’ for two years.
He returned to politics in 2002 and served as the minister of foreign affairs from November 2002 to February 2003. He then became the minister of finance, serving in this position till August 2005.
During his term as the finance minister, he implemented several economic reforms in order to restore Israel’s economy. He introduced reforms in the banking system and was also in favor of more liberalized markets.
Following the elections on February 2009, he was elected as the prime minister once again. He kept the portfolios of the minister of economic strategy, minister of health, and minister for senior citizens with him.
After the victory in the 2013 elections, he was elected as the prime minister for a third term. He was also elected as the prime minister for the fourth term after the 2015 election.

Since 2016, Netanyahu was under investigation by the Israeli police for a number of alleged corruption scandals. 

In 2019, he was indicted on the on charges of breach of trust, bribery and fraud. As a result, he had to relinquish all of his ministry posts other than the prime minister position. 

In April 2019 elections, no party in Israel got clear majority. In September 2019, second election was held and this time too no party was able to form the government. 

In March 2020, the third election was held and on 17 May 2020, Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn-in for a fifth term as prime minister in a coalition with Benny Gantz. This government was shortlived and fell in December 2020.

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In March 2021, elections were held once again but Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies aga‌in fell short of a majority.

Family & Personal Life

Benjamin Netanyahu married Miriam Weizmann in 1972. His wife became pregnant in 1978 and during her pregnancy, Netanyahu began an affair with a British woman named Fleur Cates. Miriam gave birth to their daughter. When she came to know about the affair, she divorced him.

In 1981, he married Fleur Cates and she converted to Judaism. But this marriage did not last long as the couple divorced in 1984.

He got married again in 1991. His third wife, whom he met during one of his travels, was a flight attendant. The couple has two sons.

He was also reported to have been romantically involved with other women, including Ruth Bar, his public relations adviser, and Katherine Price-Mondadori.

Facts About Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu is a skilled furniture maker and enjoys woodworking as a hobby.

He is known to be an avid animal lover and has a soft spot for stray cats, often feeding and caring for them.

Netanyahu is a talented linguist, fluent in both English and French in addition to his native Hebrew.

He has a passion for poetry and has been known to write and recite his own poems on various occasions.

Netanyahu is a fan of classical music and has been spotted attending concerts and performances in his free time.

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