Menachem Begin Biography

(Former Prime Minister of Israel)

Birthday: August 16, 1913 (Leo)

Born In: Brest

As the young son of active Zionists in the early twentieth century Poland (then Tsarist Russia), Menachem Begin focused early-on on his life’s central objective. As a law student, he participated actively in groups to further the Jewish cause in the eyes of the world and to defend against the pervasive discrimination toward Jews that prevailed throughout Europe. During his life, Begin encountered and survived severe persecution from groups that included the Nazis of Germany, Communists of the Soviet Union and Islamic foes of the Middle East. Overcoming incredible obstacles, he eventually became a major player on the world stage. At times, he needed to be a peacemaker. At other times he needed to be a ruthless war maker. But almost from birth to his death, his tenacious dedication to the survival of his dream, the free Jewish State of Israel, was his driving passion. Depending on one’s point of view, he has been glorified as a hero and vilified as a demon. All of Begin’s actions as a Jewish leader were driven strictly by his lifelong resolve and he never wavered in his mission. Twenty-three years after his death, Menachem Begin was named the fourth most important person in Israel’s history.
Quick Facts

Also Known As: Menachem Wolfovitch Begin, Menakhem Vol'fovich Begin, Mieczysław Biegun, Munahayyim Beeghin

Died At Age: 78


Spouse/Ex-: Aliza Arnold

father: Zeev Dov

mother: Hassia Biegun

siblings: Herzl Begin

children: Benny Begin, Hasia Begin, Leah Begin

Nobel Peace Prize Prime Ministers

Died on: March 9, 1992

place of death: Tel Aviv

Founder/Co-Founder: Herut, Likud, Gahal

More Facts

education: 1935 - University of Warsaw

awards: Nobel Peace Prize

  • 1

    What role did Menachem Begin play in Israeli politics?

    Menachem Begin was a prominent Israeli politician who served as the Prime Minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983. He was the leader of the Likud party and is known for his role in shaping Israeli politics and foreign policy.

  • 2

    What was Menachem Begin's stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

    Menachem Begin was known for his strong stance on security and defense for Israel. He signed the Camp David Accords with Egypt in 1978, which led to a peace treaty between the two countries. He also authorized the bombing of the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981.

  • 3

    What were Menachem Begin's key achievements as Prime Minister of Israel?

    As Prime Minister, Menachem Begin's key achievements included signing the peace treaty with Egypt, the first-ever between Israel and an Arab state. He also implemented economic reforms and initiated the invasion of Lebanon in 1982.

  • 4

    How did Menachem Begin contribute to the development of Israel's military capabilities?

    Menachem Begin was a strong advocate for building up Israel's military capabilities and is credited with authorizing the successful raid on the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981. He also supported the development of Israel's aerospace industry and military technology.

  • 5

    What was Menachem Begin's approach to Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza?

    Menachem Begin was a supporter of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, viewing them as integral to Israel's security and biblical heritage. His government oversaw the expansion of settlements during his time as Prime Minister.

Childhood & Early Life
Born August 16, 1913, in Brisk, now Brest-Litovsk, then of Tsarist Russia (now Belarus), Menachem was the youngest of three children. As the son of Zeev Dov and Hassia Biegun, he was born into a family of devout Zionists.
In 1928, Begin joined the ‘Polish Zionist Betar Youth Group’. Betar was a pan-European activist group dedicated to the eventual development of a separate Jewish state that would encompass both sides of the Jordan River, an area occupied by the British-ruled Palestinian State.
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While actively participating in Betar, in Poland, Begin earned a law degree at the ‘University of Warsaw’. By 1938, at age 25, he was named the leader of the organization, a position considered to be one of the most important Jewish positions in pre-Nazi European.
Once the Nazis began their occupation of Poland and other parts of Europe, Jews were desperate for escape and safe haven. His parents and brother were captured in 1940 and later died in a Nazi concentration camp.
In 1940, Menachem escaped the Nazis but was soon captured and held by the Soviets. Promptly he was sent to a Siberian work camp, where he was held and then released a year later.
In 1941, he joined a Polish exile group which traveled to British-ruled Palestine to continue their work toward establishing an independent Jewish state.
Starting in 1942, Begin and his compatriots dedicated led numerous raids and terrorist attacks on the ruling British and Palestinians throughout Palestine. The assaults continued for the next three years.In 1943, he became commander of ‘Irgun Zvai Loumi’ party. At one point, the British issued a sizable bounty for his capture.
In 1948, when Israel became a nation, he led the so-called ‘Freedom or Herut Party’, which slowly gained popularity in Israel.
He joined the ‘National Unity Party’ in 1956 whose goal was to form a unified political focus for defending the security of Israel. Begin served as a minister without portfolio a decade later.
On May 17, 1977, after Mr. Begin was elected Prime Minister, he surprised many with an immediate offer of peace and friendship to the surrounding Arab countries, Egypt, Jordan and Syria. He proposed to meet all the neighboring leaders to discuss and finally put an end to the Jewish and Arab bloodshed. The challenge was accepted by Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat.
As a result, secret meetings were held that led to a state visit by Sadat to Jerusalem. Negotiations culminated in the ‘Camp David Accord’ in 1978, facilitated by US President Jimmy Carter. The Accord ended the long-standing war between Israel and Egypt, returned the Sinai to the Egyptians and created an open relationship between the countries.
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As a result of their landmark negotiations, Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat jointly received the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ in 1978.
In 1981, Begin ordered a severe military response on the ‘Palestinian Liberation Organization’ (PLO), then operating in Lebanon. The response effectively removed the PLO presence for a time.
In 1982, Syrian influence prevented the possibility of a full peace between Lebanon and Israel.
During his term of office until his retirement in 1982, Prime Minister Begin adamantly opposed the establishment of a neighboring Palestinian state. He made clear that Israel could never cede the territories of Judea, Samaria or Gaza because of their historic significance.
In 1983, he resigned his office. His wife Aliza had died the year before and the pressures of office had left him in a weakened physical state.
Major Works
His book ‘The Revolt’, written in 1951, is a recount of the struggle against the British and the development of an independent Jewish state prior to the establishment of Israel.
‘White Nights’, is a story of his imprisonment in Russia depicting the hopelessness and separation of incarceration in such a remote location, was published in 1957. The autobiographical account originally published in Hebrew was later translated to English.
Awards & Achievements
Begin was co-recipient of the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ along with Anwar Sadat for their work in achieving a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt.
In 2005, Begin was listed fourth among history’s ‘200 Greatest Israelis’ by Israeli historians and intellectuals because of his life-long struggle to establish and maintain an independent Jewish state.
Personal Life and Legacy
Shortly after his wife Aliza died in 1982, he retired and returned to an apartment, leaving only to visit his wife’s grave. They left a son, two daughters and 9 grandchildren.
Menachem Begin will be remembered primarily for the peace initiative between Israel and Egypt in 1978, as well as his lifetime of commitment to the creation and preservation of Israel.
Facts About Menachem Begin

Menachem Begin was an avid chess player and even wrote a book on the subject, demonstrating his strategic thinking skills both in politics and in games.

Begin was known for his love of music, particularly classical music, and would often listen to symphonies and operas to relax and unwind.

Begin was a lifelong learner and was fluent in multiple languages, including English, Yiddish, Polish, and Russian, showcasing his intellectual curiosity and dedication to self-improvement.

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