Julius Streicher Biography

(German Nazi Politician, Founder and Publisher of the Virulently Antisemitic Newspaper ‘Der Stürmer’)

Birthday: February 12, 1885 (Aquarius)

Born In: Dinkelscherben, Germany

Julius Streicher was a German politician and a member of NSDAP known for inciting German masses against the Jews. He wrote a number of anti-Semitic books aimed at brainwashing children from an early age against the supposed evils that Jewry posed. Due to his active role in the Nazi propaganda to eliminate the Jews from Germany and his unrelenting support to Adolf Hitler and his ideals, he was given the rightful title of ‘Jew-baiter Number One’ in his country. Streicher was accused of being a party to a number of Jew killings before the dawn of World War II. Even though Hitler considered him to be his right-hand man, he was often considered to be unstable and temperamental by some of the officials who served by his side. After the war, he was convicted of crimes against humanity and executed.
Quick Facts

German Celebrities Born In February

Died At Age: 61


Spouse/Ex-: Adele Tappe, Kunigunde Roth

father: Friedrich Streicher

mother: Anna Weiss

children: Elmar Striecher, Lothar Streicher

Political Leaders German Men

Died on: October 16, 1946

place of death: Nuremberg, Germany

Cause of Death: Executed By Hanging

Ideology: Nazis

  • 1

    What role did Julius Streicher play in the Nazi party?

    Julius Streicher was a prominent member of the Nazi party and the founder and publisher of the anti-Semitic newspaper Der Stürmer.

  • 2

    What was Julius Streicher's influence on Nazi propaganda?

    Streicher played a significant role in spreading anti-Semitic propaganda through his newspaper, which fueled hatred towards Jews in Nazi Germany.

  • 3

    What was Julius Streicher's involvement in the Holocaust?

    While Streicher did not have a direct role in planning or executing the Holocaust, his anti-Semitic propaganda contributed to creating a climate of hatred and violence against Jews.

  • 4

    Was Julius Streicher convicted of war crimes?

    Yes, Julius Streicher was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Nuremberg Trials following World War II.

  • 5

    What was the fate of Julius Streicher after World War II?

    Julius Streicher was sentenced to death and was executed by hanging on October 16, 1946, for his role in inciting hatred and violence against Jews during the Nazi regime.

Childhood & Early Life
Julius Streicher was born on 12th February 1885, to Friedrich Streicher and Anna nee Weiss, in the town of Fleinhausen in Bavaria. His father worked as an elementary school teacher.
He followed in his father’s footsteps and began working as an elementary school teacher at the beginning of his career. In 1914, he joined the German army. By the year 1918, he was promoted to the post of lieutenant and had been awarded the Iron Cross.
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After Germany was defeated in World War I, Streicher took to radical politics by enlisting his name in ‘Schutz-und-Trutz Bund’, a group that focused on working against the Bavarian republic. After being involved with this group, he began exhibiting anti-Semitic traits, which would later inevitably develop into a vicious propaganda.
Next, he co-founded the German Socialist Party called ‘Deutschsozialistische Partei’. However, its claim to follow socialist ideals was just a façade and they were actually focused towards were the spread of anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitic movement.
Perhaps the biggest role of Streicher in promoting the cause of intolerance against the Jews was his anti-Semitic newspaper called ‘Der Stürmer’. This newspaper promoted the feelings of hatred towards the Jewish people in the minds of Nazi Germans.
His attempts to influence the German mass in the most negative manner led to his suspension from teaching. He spent the next few years as the leader of local Nazi Party which operated outside of legal boundaries.
Streicher enjoyed a position at the Bavarian Parliament between the years 1924 to 1932. As soon as Hitler got out of jail, he made him the district leader or ‘Gauleiter’ of the then Middle Franconia.
One of his first duties as a member of National Socialist Party was to serve as the chairman of central committee to boycott agitation and repulse Jewish atrocity. In this capacity, Streicher organized the popular boycott of Jewish businesses for a day on 1st April, 1933.
He followed his success of publishing ‘Der Stürmer’ with another anti-Semitic book called ‘Giftpilz’ or ‘The Poisonous Mushroom’. In the book he went on to elaborate the hidden dangers of the Jewish religion.
He was accused of humiliating Reichmarschall Hermann Goering publicly. This led the Supreme Court of Germany to order Streicher to be permanently stripped of his leadership position in the party.
The US forces captured Streicher in May 1945 and brought him for trial in front of the International Military Tribunal. He was prosecuted for the numerous offences that he had committed against humanity and ultimately executed for his crimes on 16th October 1946 in Nuremberg.
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Hitler considered Streicher’s services to be invaluable to his political career and hence bestowed the title of ‘Gauleiter’ upon him, which meant ‘district leader’, of the province of Middle Franconia.
Personal Life & Legacy
Streicher got married in 1913 to Kunigunde Roth, who was a baker’s daughter. They were blessed with two sons – Lothar and Elmar – from their marriage.
In May 1945, Streicher married his former secretary, Adele Tappe.
He was captured by the US Forces on May 1945. Streicher was executed on October 16, 1946 by International Military Tribune, Nuremberg.
Facts About Julius Streicher

Julius Streicher was known for his unusual habit of wearing a monocle, which became a distinctive part of his appearance.

Streicher had a strong interest in literature and was an avid reader, particularly enjoying works that focused on German folklore and mythology.

Despite his controversial political views, Streicher had a soft spot for animals and was known to be quite fond of his pet dachshund.

He had a talent for drawing and often sketched caricatures of his political opponents, showcasing his artistic abilities.

Streicher was known for his strict vegetarian diet, which he followed for health reasons and as a personal choice.

See the events in life of Julius Streicher in Chronological Order

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- Julius Streicher Biography
- Editors, TheFamousPeople.com
- TheFamousPeople.com

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