Evo Morales Biography

(President of Bolivia)

Birthday: October 26, 1959 (Scorpio)

Born In: Orinoca Canton

Evo Morales is the current President of Bolivia, a post he has been holding since 2006. Born to impoverished indigenous parents in the remote mountainous part of his nation, young Evo learned the value of work by assisting his family in farming and herding to earn a living. After a devastating storm, his family migrated to a coca growing region. An avid sports fan, he learned the skills of leadership while captaining his team and worked equally well as a union organizer. After leading his fellow coca growers on a series of protests and strikes, Evo was persuaded to pursue a political path and was soon elected to the national congress. Despite strong opposition from powerful enemies abroad and domestic resistance to his cause, Morales won the ultimate contest and was swept into power as the country's first indigenous president. After radically reorienting his government, he has led his country on an independent and strongly autonomous path, preferring to spend budgetary windfalls on causes related to social justice over military hardware. Although he has repeatedly clashed with foreign powers, he managed to maintain his hold on the office of president. After winning a recent election, Morales is firmly positioned to guide his country for the foreseeable future.
Quick Facts

Also Known As: Juan Evo Morales Ayma, Evo, President Evo Morales

Age: 64 Years, 64 Year Old Males


father: Dionisio Morales Choque

mother: Maria Mamani

siblings: Esther Morales Ayma, Hugo Morales

children: Álvaro Morales Paredes, Eva Liz Morales Alvarado

Native Americans Presidents

Ideology: Socialists

Founder/Co-Founder: Movement for Socialism

  • 1

    Why did Evo Morales resign as President of Bolivia?

    Evo Morales resigned as President of Bolivia in November 2019 amid allegations of electoral fraud and pressure from the military following weeks of protests.

  • 2

    What is Evo Morales' political party?

    Evo Morales is a member of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) party, a left-wing political party in Bolivia that he founded in 1997.

  • 3

    Where is Evo Morales currently living?

    Evo Morales is currently living in Argentina, where he was granted political asylum after resigning as President of Bolivia.

  • 4

    What is Evo Morales' stance on environmental issues?

    Evo Morales is known for his advocacy of environmental protection and indigenous rights. He has been a vocal critic of the impact of climate change and has promoted policies to protect the environment.

  • 5

    What is Evo Morales' role in Bolivian politics now?

    Since resigning as President of Bolivia, Evo Morales has continued to be involved in politics as the leader of the MAS party and has been an influential figure in shaping the direction of the party and the country.

Childhood & Early Life
Juan Evo Morales Ayma was born on October 26, 1959 in Isallawi, Bolivia. Both of his parents were ethnic Aymara natives who worked as subsistence farmers in Orinoca Canton.
Evo's father, Dionisio Morales Choque, and his mother, Maria Ayma, had seven children but only three survived past childhood: Evo, his sister Esther and his brother Hugo.
As a child, his favorite past-time was soccer. But he had little time for sports as he worked on his family's farm, planting crops and herding llamas.
Although his family spoke the Aymara language at home, he quickly learned Spanish while attending elementary school in Argentina. He completed his high school studies in Orinoco, Bolivia.
In 1974, Morales attended the ‘Agrarian Technical Institute of Orinoco’ but dropped out before his final year.
A year later, his parents sent him to study in Ororu and he graduated in 1977.
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In 1977, after graduation he moved to Chapare Province to begin his mandatory service in the military. The following year, he began touring all over Bolivia, working as a journeyman laborer and bricklayer. He also earned money as a trumpet player, touring with the ‘Royal Imperial Band’.
In 1979, he joined his family in Cochabamba where he learned to grow local crops, including coca. The same year, he joined the trade union for coca growers and was appointed to the position of ‘Secretary of Sports’ there.
In 1982, he was promoted to General Secretary of his region's union syndicate. A year later, Morales and other coca growers were offered $2,500 by the United States government for each acre of coca that they eradicated. Morales refused the payout and began organizing fellow coca growers to resist the offer.
In 1989, he gave a commemorative speech on the anniversary of the ‘Villa Tunari Massacre’. The following day, government agents assaulted him, abandoning him in a remote mountain pass to die.
In 1994, he was arrested by the Bolivian government and brutally beaten while in custody. The next day, thousands of his supporters marched on the jail and he was released soon afterwards.
In 1995, he was arrested again and charged with fomenting a coup. Several of his alleged co-conspirators were badly tortured while in custody but ultimately no one was formally charged in the case. The same year, Morales's union formed a political party, the ‘Assembly for the Sovereignty of Peoples’ (ASP).
In 1996, Bolivia's ‘National Election Court’ ruled the ASP ineligible to stand for elections. The ASP then worked out a vote sharing agreement with a coalition of leftist parties.
In the 1997 elections, he was elected to represent the El Chapare region in the ‘National Congress’.
In 1998, factional infighting led to a schism in the ASP. Morales parted ways to form his own party, the ‘Movement for Socialism’ (MAS).
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In 2001, Jorge Quiroga succeeded to the presidency of Bolivia. The United States pressured Quiroga to have him expelled from Congress.
After 140 deputies voted against him, Morales was expelled from the Congress in 2002 for allegedly having used inflammatory language that led to the death of two police officers in a shootout in his home region.
In late 2005, he defeated Jorge Quiroga in the presidential election. Assuming office the following year, he radically re-organized the government, increasing taxation on gas extraction and building large scale programs to combat illiteracy, sexism, poverty and racism.
In 2008, he won a nationwide vote of confidence that he himself initiated, to measure the level of his public support.
In 2009, UNESCO declared that Bolivia was freed of illiteracy. The same year, he was re-elected as president of Bolivia.
In 2013, the plane that was transporting Morales and his presidential entourage was brought down by authorities in Austria. Aviation officials had erroneously been informed that he was smuggling the famed whistleblower Edward Snowden on board.
In 2014, Morales was elected to a third term as president of Bolivia.
Major Works
He is the President of the State of Bolivia since January 22, 2006. The leader is known for his policies aimed at successfully eradicating illiteracy, and improving the economic conditions of the country. He also voices his support for environmentalist causes and rights of indigenous people.
Personal Life & Legacy
Morales is currently single and has never been married. He has two children from different relationships, son Alvaro Morales Paredes and daughter Eva Liz Morales Alvarado.
Facts About Evo Morales

Evo Morales is known for his love of football and has played the sport competitively in his youth.

He is a strong advocate for indigenous rights and has worked to promote the recognition of indigenous cultures in Bolivia.

Morales is an avid supporter of coca leaf consumption for its traditional and medicinal purposes, despite facing criticism from some international organizations.

He is the first indigenous president of Bolivia and has been a prominent figure in Latin American politics for his progressive policies.

Morales has a humble background, having worked as a llama herder and coca farmer before entering politics.

See the events in life of Evo Morales in Chronological Order

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- Evo Morales Biography
- Editors, TheFamousPeople.com
- TheFamousPeople.com

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