Robert Peel Biography

(Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1834 – 1835, 1841 – 1846))

Birthday: February 5, 1788 (Aquarius)

Born In: Bury, Lancashire, England

Sir Robert Peel was an English politician who served twice as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and founded the ‘Conservative Party’. Born to a wealthy cotton mill owner, Peel attained his education at Harrow and Oxford, and later entered parliament as a Tory. Initially in his political career, he served as under-secretary for war and colonies, and the chief secretary for Ireland. Later, he became the home secretary and introduced far-ranging criminal law and prison reform as well as laid the foundation of the Metropolitan Police. Following the dismissal of Whig Government of Earl Grey, Sir Robert Peel was appointed as the Prime Minister of England. But, he resigned after a year following the Tories’ minority issue in the House of Commons, a situation which he found increasingly intolerable. Later, Peel returned to the office with a Conservative administration and it was during this government that he oversaw the introduction of significant legislation such as the Mines Act of 1842, and the Factory Act of 1844. Later, he attempted to repeal the Corn Laws which had been introduced to protect British agriculture. Although, the issue caused heated debate in the parliament for months, the Corn Laws were eventually repealed with support from the Whigs and the Radicals. Afterwards, Peel was defeated on another bill and resigned from his post. He never held office again. Several years later, Peel was badly injured in a riding accident and subsequently died in London.
Quick Facts

British Celebrities Born In February

Also Known As: Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Baronet

Died At Age: 62


siblings: William Yates Peel

children: Eliza Peel

Prime Ministers Political Leaders

political ideology: Political party - Tory/Conservative

Died on: July 2, 1850

place of death: London, England

Cause of Death: Horse-riding Accident

Notable Alumni: Lincoln's Inn

City: Bury, England

Founder/Co-Founder: Metropolitan Police Service

More Facts

education: Christ Church, Oxford, Lincoln's Inn

  • 1

    What were Robert Peel's major contributions to policing?

    Robert Peel is known for establishing the first modern police force in London in 1829, which became the model for modern policing systems around the world. This force was organized along the principles of community policing, crime prevention, and professionalism.
  • 2

    How did Robert Peel influence the development of law enforcement agencies?

    Robert Peel's principles of policing emphasized the importance of public approval, crime prevention, and community cooperation. His approach laid the foundation for modern policing practices, such as the use of uniforms, the creation of a centralized police headquarters, and the adoption of professional standards for officers.
  • 3

    What is the significance of Robert Peel's Peelian Principles?

    The "Peelian Principles" are a set of ethical guidelines for policing that emphasize the importance of community collaboration, prevention of crime, and maintaining public trust. These principles have had a lasting impact on the field of law enforcement and continue to influence police practices today.

  • 4

    How did Robert Peel's police reforms improve law enforcement practices?

    Robert Peel's police reforms focused on creating a professional and accountable police force that was responsive to community needs. By implementing these reforms, Peel was able to increase public confidence in law enforcement and reduce crime rates in the areas where his principles were applied.
  • 5

    What was the impact of Robert Peel's policing model on law enforcement globally?

    Robert Peel's policing model, known as the "Peelian Principles," had a significant impact on law enforcement practices worldwide. His emphasis on community policing, crime prevention, and professional standards set the standard for modern police forces and continues to shape policing strategies around the globe.
Childhood & Early Life
Robert Peel was born on February 5, 1788, at Bury, Lancashire, England, to Sir Robert Peel, 1st Baronet, an industrialist and parliamentarian. His father was one of the wealthiest textile manufacturers of the early Industrial Revolution.
Peel received his early education from the Bury Grammar School, then at Harrow School and finally attended the Christ Church, Oxford, where he earned a double first in classics and mathematics.
In 1808, Peel saw part-time military service as a Captain in the Manchester Regiment of Militia. The following year, while studying as a law student at Lincoln's Inn, he entered Parliament with the influence of his father.
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At the age of 21, Peel entered politics as a Member of Parliament for the Irish rotten borough of Cashel, Tipperary. The next year, in 1810, Peel joined the government as the under-secretary for war and the colonies.
In 1812, when Lord Liverpool became the Prime Minister, he appointed Peel as the chief secretary for Ireland, a post Peel served for the next six years. As chief secretary, he ushered several reforms including the establishment of a permanent Irish police force and laid the foundations for famine relief.
In 1818, upon his retirement from the post of chief secretary, Peel stayed out of office for several years.
In 1821, Peel was recalled and offered the post of home secretary in Lord Liverpool's government, where he served until 1830.
After the Tory ministry refused to bend on other issues, similar to the ones as the Catholic emancipation, they were swept out of office in 1830 in favor of the Whigs. Thereafter, times were extremely turbulent for his party but eventually Tories were asked by the king to form a ministry again in 1834 and Peel was elected to be the Prime Minister of England.
In 1834, Peel issued the Tamworth Manifesto, laying down the principles upon which the modern British Conservative Party is based. In April 1835, Peel’s government was defeated by a combination of Whigs, radicals, and Irish nationalists, and Peel resigned from his office. During the next six years, with help from his smart and watchful tactics, the Conservative Party steadily increased in numbers and confidence.
In the general election of 1841, the Conservative Party gained a majority in the House of Commons and Sir Robert Peel returned to the office of Prime Minister.
In 1844, his government passed ‘The Factory Act’ which restricted the number of hours that children and women could work in a factory, and setting rudimentary safety standards for machinery.
By 1845, the only unresolved difference in the free trade system was the protection of agriculture afforded by the Corn Laws, which supported agricultural revenues by restricting grain imports. Following the Great Irish Famine, Peel moved against the landholders by repealing the Corn Laws, a decision which split his cabinet and ultimately led to his resignation in 1846.
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From 1846 onwards, Peel remained an active and influential leader in politics, dedicating himself to the support of free-trade principles of Whigs government.
Major Works
In the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, Sir Robert Peel laid the foundations of a modern professional police force. This act established the London police force, whose members were called ‘Peelers’ or ‘Bobbies’, named after him.
The greatest accomplishment of Peel's ministry was the establishment of the principle of free trade. He was also mainly responsible for the repeal of the Corn Laws that had restricted imports, in 1846.
Personal Life & Legacy
In 1820, Sir Robert Peel married Julia Floyd, the youngest daughter of General Sir John Floyd, 1st Baronet. The couple had five sons and two daughters together.
In June 1850, Peel was involved in an accident; he was thrown from his horse while riding on Constitution Hill in London and the horse stumbled on top of him. Three days later, Sir Robert Peel died on July 2, 1950, due to a fracture rupturing his vessels.
Facts About Robert Peel
Robert Peel was known for his love of animals and had a pet parrot that he taught to speak several phrases.
Peel was an avid reader and had an extensive personal library, encompassing a wide range of subjects.
He had a keen interest in gardening and often spent time tending to his gardens at his various residences.
Peel was a talented musician and enjoyed playing the piano in his free time.
Despite his busy political career, Peel made time for his family and was known to be a loving and devoted husband and father.

See the events in life of Robert Peel in Chronological Order

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