Philip Sheridan Biography

(Military Officer)

Birthday: March 6, 1831 (Pisces)

Born In: Albany, New York, United States

Philip Sheridan was a US cavalry officer whose military leadership in the last year of the American Civil War helped the Union Army clinch a decisive victory. He graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point, New York, in 1853. He served mostly at frontier posts till he was appointed a colonel in 1862. Over the years, he rose to the rank of major general. He was closely associated with General-in-chief Ulysses S Grant, who transferred him from command of an infantry division in the Western Theatre to lead the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac. He helped defeat the Confederate forces under General Jubal Early in the Shenandoah Valley, and played a major role in the destruction of the economic infrastructure of the valley. This incident came to be known as ‘The Burning.’ He was eventually appointed general-in-chief of the US Army. In 1888, he got promoted to the rank of General of the Army during the term of President Grover Cleveland. In his later years, he also fought in the Indian Wars of the Great Plains. As a soldier as well as a private citizen, he helped in development and protection of the Yellowstone National Park.
Quick Facts

Nick Name: Little Phil, Fightin' Phil

Also Known As: Philip Henry Sheridan

Died At Age: 57


Spouse/Ex-: Irene Rucker (m. 1875)

father: John Sheridan

mother: Mary Meenagh Sheridan

children: Irene Sheridan, Louise Sheridan, Mary Sheridan, Philip H. Sheridan Jr

Born Country: United States

Military Leaders American Men

Height: 5'5" (165 cm), 5'5" Males

Died on: August 5, 1888

place of death: Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States

Cause of Death: Heart Failure

Diseases & Disabilities: Heart Attack

City: Albany, New York

U.S. State: New Yorkers

More Facts

education: United States Military Academy

  • 1

    What role did Philip Sheridan play in the American Civil War?

    Philip Sheridan was a Union general who played a crucial role in the American Civil War, particularly known for his successful campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley and his leadership at the Battle of Cedar Creek.
  • 2

    What was the significance of Philip Sheridan's role in Reconstruction after the Civil War?

    Philip Sheridan played a significant role in Reconstruction by enforcing military rule in the South, particularly in Texas and Louisiana, to protect the rights of newly freed slaves and ensure order in the region.
  • 3

    How did Philip Sheridan influence the development of the U.S. Army during his tenure as its leader?

    Philip Sheridan's leadership in the U.S. Army, including modernizing tactics and advocating for professional military education, had a lasting impact on the development and organization of the army for future generations.
Childhood & Early Life
According to Philip Sheridan, he was born in Albany in the state of New York, on 6th March 1831. His parents were John and Mary Meenagh Sheridan, who were Irish Catholic immigrants from the parish of Killinkerein County Cavan, Ireland. He was the third of six children.
As a boy, he worked in town general stores. Eventually, he became a head clerk and bookkeeper for a dry goods store.
He obtained an appointment to the United States Military Academy from one of his customers, Congressman Thomas Ritchey, in 1848. He graduated in 1853, 34th in his class of 52 cadets.
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Military Career
After being commissioned as a brevet second lieutenant, Philip Sheridan was assigned to the 1st U.S. Infantry Regiment at Fort Duncan, Texas. He was later transferred to the 4th U.S. Infantry Regiment at Fort Reading, California. His service with the 4th Infantry was mostly in the Pacific Northwest.
In 1855, he started with a topographical survey mission to the Willamette Valley. He got involved in the Yakima War and Rogue River Wars during this time. This helped him in gaining experience in leading small combat teams.
In March 1861, he was promoted to first lieutenant, just before the Civil War began. Two months later, he was promoted to captain.
His early role in the Civil War was mostly administrative. But as he displayed a good performance, he was soon promoted to colonel and put in command of the 2nd Michigan Cavalry on 27th May 1862. After he took part in several raids and skirmishes, he was eventually promoted to brigadier general in July 1862. Eventually, he was promoted to major general.
Sheridan was unable to win the Battle of Chickamauga in September 1863. However, his assault on Missionary Ridge below Chattanooga Tenn in November eventually brought his fighting in the West to a good end. General Ulysses Grant was very impressed by the victory. In the spring of 1864, he was called East where he headed the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac.
After the Battle of the Wilderness, he led a raid towards Richmond that resulted in the destruction of a lot of Confederate supplies and rolling stock. It also resulted in the death of the South’s cavalry leader, General J. E. B. Stuart. His death proved to be a great victory for the Union.
Due to his success, Philip Sheridan was next sent to the Shenandoah Valley of northern Virginia. His main target was the 15,000 Confederate cavalry troop, under General Jubal Early. As the Confederacy relied on the fertile valley for their food, Sheridan was ordered to destroy the farmlands as well.
During September and October 1864, Sheridan’s force of 40,000 infantry and cavalry focused on turning the farmlands into barren waste. Crops and barns were destroyed and burnt, and livestock captured by his men.
Though the Confederate forces launched a surprise attack on his army when Sheridan was absent, he eventually returned and managed to destroy the Confederate forces. The Union troop was now in control of the Shenandoah Valley as well as the Confederacy’s food supply.
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In March 1865, Sheridan along with his cavalry rejoined the Army of the Potomac in Petersburg, Virginia, where Lee’s army had put up a resistance against Grant’s siege since August the previous year. Sheridan was eager to drive away Lee from Petersburg.
Grant ordered him and his cavalry of 12,000 men to capture a railroad known as Five Forks. As Lee’s army depended on the railroad for supplies, any disruption would obviously put an end to his stock of food.
Though Confederate General George Pickett tried to stop him, Sheridan’s forces succeeded in capturing the rail line. The battle, which resulted in the deaths, disablement, and capture of around 5,000 soldiers, ended up as a victory for the Union, who now controlled the rail line that was supplying to Petersburg.
The Union Army broke through the Confederate lines, though Lee was able to somehow escape with his battered force. He tried to meet up with other Confederate forces, but after being pursued by Grant, Sheridan and other Union troops, he was eventually surrounded and forced to surrender on 9th April 1865. This resulted in the end of the Civil War.
Later Years & Death
In 1883, Philip Sheridan was appointed the new general in chief of the US Army.
He breathed his last on 5th August 1888, in Nonquitt, Massachusetts. He was 57 at the time of his death.
Family & Personal Life
Philip Sheridan got married at the age of 44. His bride was a 22-year-old girl named Irene Rucker. She was the daughter of General Daniel H Rucker. They had four children, one son and three daughters.
Facts About Philip Sheridan
Philip Sheridan was known for his love of animals and had a pet rooster named Rosie that he kept with him during the Civil War.
Sheridan was an avid golfer and enjoyed spending his free time on the golf course, often playing with other prominent figures of his time.
Despite his military prowess, Sheridan had a softer side and was known for his kindness towards children, often giving them candy or small gifts.
Sheridan had a unique sense of humor and was known for his witty one-liners and jokes, which helped boost morale among his troops.
Sheridan was a talented artist and enjoyed sketching landscapes and portraits in his spare time, showcasing his creative side outside of his military duties.

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