Tindyebwa Agaba Wise Biography

(Emma Thompson's Son)

Born In: Rwanda

Tindyebwa Agaba Wise is the founder and director of charity organization, ‘Muryango.’ The organization helps African refugees and asylum-seekers by providing them financial guidance and preparing them for job interviews. Tindyebwa is better known as the son of British actress Emma Thompson, who adopted him after meeting him at the ‘Refugee Council.’ Before escaping to the United Kingdom, Tindyebwa was forced to work as a child soldier in Rwanda after being kidnapped by the militia. Tindyebwa’s fortune changed when he was spotted by the Oscar-winning actress. He currently resides in London, and works as a human rights activist. He aspires to become a politician to bring about a positive change in the society.
Quick Facts


father: Greg Wise (adopted father)

mother: Emma Thompson (adopted mother)

siblings: Gaia Romilly Wise

Born Country: Rwanda

Human Rights Activists British Male

Founder/Co-Founder: Muryango

More Facts

education: University of Exeter (2009), SOAS, University of London

Childhood & Early Life
Tindyebwa Agaba was born in a village in Rwanda. His father worked as a farmer in tea plantations, earning enough money to raise Tindyebwa and his three sisters. Tindyebwa and his sisters’ lives changed for worst when their father passed away after contracting AIDS. After their father’s demise, Tindyebwa and his sisters were forced to drop out of school. Fortunately, their mother succeeded in persuading a non-governmental organization called ‘Care International’ to take her children under their care. However, when Tindyebwa was 10 the organization shut down.
Tindyebwa had no other option but to return to his village along with his sisters. Unfortunately, the political situation in his country had worsened, so much so that the children of his age were being kidnapped by the militia. It was not long before Tindyebwa and his sisters found themselves in the clutches of the militia, who kidnapped them with an intention of turning them into soldiers. After forcing them to cross the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tindyebwa was put into a group of boys, while his sisters were forced to go with another group, consisting only of girls. Tindyebwa was soon turned into a child soldier and was forced to wield weapons to fight against the government. After spending many days at the camp as a child soldier, Tindyebwa managed to escape, even as one of the boys, who was trying to escape along with him was shot down. Tindyebwa was subsequently arrested by the cops and was detained for about 13 months before he escaped from the prison, following a brawl with the prison guard. He then made his way back to Uganda, where he was spotted by an employee of ‘Care International.’ Tindyebwa was sent to the United Kingdom, where the parent organization of ‘Care International’ is located. However, even after making it to London, Tindyebwa faced difficult times for many days before he was spotted by the authorities of the ‘Refugee Council.’
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Thompson s Adoption
Emma Thompson met Tindyebwa at the ‘Refugee Council’ and invited him to spend Christmas with her and her family. Tindyebwa, who had no idea about Thompson’s celebrity status, was reluctant to accept her offer as he couldn’t trust anyone after what he had been through. But Thompson never gave up on him and eventually managed to gain his trust. Over the next few months, Tindyebwa became comfortable spending time with Thompson and her family. So much so that he even started staying in her home. Emma Thompson, who had failed to conceive for the second time even after repeated cycles of IVF, decided to adopt Tindyebwa into her family. He was then enrolled at ‘The University of Exeter’ from where he graduated with a degree in Politics and International Relations. He went on to complete a master’s degree in Human Rights Law from ‘SOAS University of London’ before completing a Human Rights Law Fellowship. After completing his education, Tindyebwa started working with several humanitarian and charitable organizations. He is currently committed towards bettering the lives of asylum-seekers and refugees.
Personal Life
Tindyebwa Agaba is close to his sister Gaia Romilly Wise. Unfortunately, he is yet to hear from his biological sisters. Also, he has not seen his biological mother since the day she left him and his sisters at ‘Care International.’ Tindyebwa’s biggest dream is to find his mother. Tindyebwa aspires to become a politician. His goal is to help asylum-seekers and provide them with an opportunity to lead better lives. He has already worked with a number of charity organizations around the world.

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- Tindyebwa Agaba Wise Biography
- Editors, TheFamousPeople.com
- TheFamousPeople.com

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