Reinhard Heydrich Biography

(Nazi Official)

Birthday: March 7, 1904 (Pisces)

Born In: Halle

Reinhard Heydrich was a high-ranking German Nazi official during the World War II. He played a major role in planning the Holocaust and many historians consider him one of the darkest and most fearsome men within the Nazi Party. Hitler described him as "the man with the iron heart". While the Nazis called him ‘The Blond Beast’, others referred to him as the ‘Hangman Heydrich’. He was ambitious for power and was a manipulator. He led Hitler's Final Solution in which the almost entire Jewish population of Europe was exterminated. The founding head of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), he also served as the chief of the Reich Security Main Office, and the police agency. He converted the Gestapo into an instrument of terror. He convened the Wannsee Conference, where he presented the plans to coordinate a European-wide ‘Final Solution’ of the Jewish extermination. The British Special Operations Executive plotted to kill him in Prague, where he was the Deputy Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. In the top-secret ‘Operation Anthropoid’, a team of Czech and Slovak soldiers critically wounded him in an ambush. He died from his injuries. After his funeral in Berlin, Hitler ordered retaliatory measures against the Czech population.
Quick Facts

German Celebrities Born In March

Also Known As: Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich

Died At Age: 38


Spouse/Ex-: Lina Heydrich

father: Richard Bruno Heydrich

mother: Elisabeth Krantz

siblings: Heinz Heydrich, Q15303817

children: Heider Heydrich, Klaus Heydrich, Marte Heydrich, Silke Heydrich

War Criminals German Men

Height: 1.91 m

Died on: June 4, 1942

place of death: Prague

Founder/Co-Founder: Einsatzgruppen, Einsatzkommando

More Facts

education: Technical University of Munich

awards: German Order
Golden Party Badge
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun

  • 1

    Was Reinhard Heydrich a member of the Nazi Party?

    Yes, Reinhard Heydrich was a high-ranking member of the Nazi Party.

  • 2

    What role did Reinhard Heydrich play in the Holocaust?

    Reinhard Heydrich was one of the main architects of the Holocaust and played a key role in planning and implementing the Final Solution.

  • 3

    How did Reinhard Heydrich die?

    Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated in 1942 by Czech resistance fighters in Operation Anthropoid.

  • 4

    What was Reinhard Heydrich's role in the SS?

    Reinhard Heydrich held several high-ranking positions in the SS, including being the head of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA).

  • 5

    What was the Wannsee Conference and Reinhard Heydrich's involvement in it?

    The Wannsee Conference was a meeting where the Final Solution was coordinated and Reinhard Heydrich played a leading role in organizing the conference and its agenda.

Childhood & Early Life
Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich was born on March 7, 1904, in Halle an der Saale, to Elisabeth Anna Maria Amalia Heydrich and Richard Bruno Heydrich. His father founded the Halle Conservatory of Music, Theatre, and Teaching, and his mother taught piano there. He had two siblings.
He was named after different people and characters—Reinhard referred to the hero from his father's opera, ‘Amen,’ and Tristan comes from Richard Wagner's ‘Tristan und Isolde.’ Eugen was his maternal grandfather's forename, who was the director of the Dresden Royal Conservatory.
He loved playing the violin, and impressed listeners with his musical talent. He studied in Reformgymnasium, and was good in studies, especially in science. He was a good athlete, and was an expert swimmer. He was shy, and was often bullied for his high-pitched voice.
When Heydrich was 15, his hometown Halle witnessed civil unrest after World War I. He then joined Maercker's Volunteer Rifles, and was a part of the force that protected private property. He then joined the National German Protection and Shelter League, an anti-Semitic organization.
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In 1922, Reinhard Heydrich joined the German Navy, and became a naval cadet. In 1924, he was promoted as senior midshipman, and in 1926, he was assigned as a signals officer on a battleship. In 1928, he became sub-lieutenant. However, in 1931, he was dismissed from the navy for breaking an engagement promise to a woman.
In 1931, he was hired in the security service division of the SS. He began his job as chief of the new 'Ic Service', and set up an office at the Nazi Party headquarters in Munich. He created a network of spies to obtain information to be used as blackmail for political gains. In December, he was promoted to the rank of SS-major.
In 1932, his enemies spread the rumor that he had Jewish ancestry. However, after investigation, it was proved that he was of German origin. In the same year, he was appointed chief of the security service, SD.
He turned the intelligence service into an effective machine of terror and intimidation. Heydrich and Himmler, the head of SD, controlled the political police forces of all the German states. In 1933, Heydrich, with his men from SD attacked the police headquarters in Munich, and took it over. Himmler became the Munich police chief, and Heydrich became the commander.
In 1933, Hermann Göring founded the Gestapo, the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe, and in 1934, Heydrich became the head of this instrument of terror. In the same year, SD became the official Nazi intelligence service.
In 1934, Hitler asked Heydrich and Himmler to develop a dossier on Ernst Röhm, Sturmabteilung (SA) leader, in order to remove him. The SS was then a part of SA. Heydrich and Himmler prepared lists of those whom Hitler wanted to remove, including the top SA officials. In June, mass arrests were made, and Röhm was shot, along with the SA leader. About 200 people were killed in the action. SA was then converted into a sports and training organization.
In 1936, all police forces across Germany were united, and Himmler became the Chief of German Police, and Heydrich became his deputy. The police was reorganized into two groups—Order Police, Orpo, and Security Police, SiPo. Heydrich headed the SiPo and SD.
Heydrich helped organize the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, which was used to promote the propaganda of the Nazi regime. Ambassadors were sent to countries that wanted to boycott the Olympics. Anti-Jewish violence was forbidden for the time being, and ‘Der Stürmer,’ the official Nazi tabloid, was not displayed at newsstands. Heydrich was awarded with German Olympic Games Decoration (First Class) for his contribution in the games' success.
In 1937, he directed the Gestapo to carry out house searches, and make arrests, in an effort to crush public opinion. In 1938, when Austria resisted Hitler's merger efforts with Germany, he pressurized Austria by making propagandas in Vienna, emphasizing that the two countries share the same Germanic blood.
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In 1939, SD and SiPo were merged into the new Reich Main Security Office, which was headed by Heydrich. He was given the title of Chief of Security Police and SD. In 1940, he became the president of ICPC, later known as Interpol. He was promoted to General der Polizei in 1941.
In 1941, he and his SD carried out the Night-and-Fog decree, under which people endangering German security were arrested under the cover of night and fog. About 7,000 people disappeared under this decree.
In the same year, he was appointed Deputy Reich Protector of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. His task was to sabotage and suppress anti-German strikes. In Prague, he started his rule by terrorizing the citizens. Over the course of his tenure he became directly responsible for the arrests and deaths of thousands of citizens.
In London, the Czechoslovak government-in-exile made a plan to kill him. Jan Kubiš and Jozef Gabčík headed the team, trained by the British Special Operations Executive. On 27 May 1942, they attacked Heydrich when he was on his way to meet Hitler. He fought with the attackers, but was critically injured. He then went into coma, and died on June 4, 1942. Hitler, however, blamed Heydrich for his own death due to his carelessness. He condemned him as “stupid and idiotic”.
Major War Crimes
Heydrich converted Gestapo into an instrument of fear. It had the authority to arrest any citizen on the suspicion that he might commit a crime, and the definition of crime was set at his discretion. In 1936, the Gestapo Law gave police the right to act extra-legally, which gave them the power to imprison people without judicial proceedings. People were arrested without warrants, sent to concentration camps, or killed.
Due to his reign of terror in Prague, Reinhard Heydrich earned the epithet "the Butcher of Prague." He executed 92 people within three days of his arrival. He closed all avenues by which Czechs expressed their culture. About 5,000 people were arrested, and thousands were sent to concentration camps. In March 1942, he swept all Czech organizations, the military, and the intelligentsia, and practically paralyzed the Czech resistance.
Personal Life & Legacy
In 1930, Reinhard Heydrich met Lina von Osten, a Nazi Party follower, and soon got engaged. They married in December 1931. They had four children—Klaus, Heider, Silke, and Marte.
After Heydrich's death, Lina finally won the right to a pension after a number of court cases in 1956 and 1959. The government had initially declined to pay the pension due to Heydrich's role in the Holocaust.
Facts About Reinhard Heydrich

Reinhard Heydrich was an accomplished violinist and considered music to be one of his greatest passions, often playing in private concerts for friends and colleagues.

Heydrich had a keen interest in aviation and was an experienced pilot, even participating in air races in his spare time.

He was known for his impeccable fashion sense and was always impeccably dressed, earning him a reputation as a dapper and stylish individual.

Heydrich had a talent for languages and was fluent in several, including French, English, and Russian, which helped him in his diplomatic and intelligence roles.

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