Oskar Dirlewanger Biography

(War Criminal)

Birthday: September 26, 1895 (Libra)

Born In: Würzburg, Germany

Oskar Paul Dirlewanger was a German military officer and war criminal who was the founder and commander of the Nazi SS penal unit ‘Dirlewanger’ during the Second World War. He served in Poland as well as other areas on the eastern front. His name is associated with some of the most heinous crimes in the war. In fact, he was already feared within the Germany army before the Second World War even broke out. Dirlewanger was born in Wurzburg. He had fought in the First World War and also in post-World War I wars, including the Spanish Civil War. It is reported that he was beaten to death by his guards while in Allied custody after the Second World War. However, there are also theories that state that he had actually escaped. He has been described by many historians as an extremely cruel person. Some say he was a psychopathic killer and child molester, while others say he was violently sadistic.
Quick Facts

German Celebrities Born In September

Also Known As: Oskar Paul Dirlewanger

Died At Age: 49


father: August Dirlewanger

mother: Pauline Dirlewanger

Born Country: Germany

War Criminals German Men

Died on: June 7, 1945

place of death: Altshausen

More Facts

education: Goethe University Frankfurt

awards: Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
German Cross

Childhood & Early Life
Oskar Dirlewanger was born on 26th September 1895, in Wurzburg in the German Empire. Not much is known regarding his childhood or parents.
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Military Career
Oskar Dirlewanger began his military career in 1913 in the Prussian Army where he served as a machine gunner in the Grenadier Regiment 123. During the First World War, he took part in the German invasion of Belgium, where he was wounded six times. He received the Iron Cross 2nd class and 1st class.
According to German biographer Knut Stang, the war was the contributing factor that led to the deterioration of Dirlewanger’s later mental state and personality. He became an alcoholic and developed sadistic sexual habits.
At the end of the war, he was described in a police report as a “mentally unstable fanatic alcoholic,” who would erupt into violence under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Thereafter, Dirlewanger joined different right-wing paramilitary militias to fight against German communists as well as Polish nationalists.
He helped suppressing an attempted ‘putsch’ during the German Revolution of 1918-1919.
In 1921, he commanded an armored train which moved towards Sangerhausen. It had been occupied by the Communist Party of Germany’s militia group of Max Hoelz, and they were attempting to inspire worker uprisings. Dirlewanger’s attack failed, and the enemies cut off his force. However, he was eventually reinforced by anti-communist troops, and the communists were forced to withdraw.
After the Nazi Party gained power, Dirlewanger became known as the town’s liberator from the “Red” terrorists, and he also received an honorary citizenship in 1935.
For a while, he studied at the Goethe University Frankfurt and obtained a doctorate in political science in 1922. The next year, he joined the Nazi Party and the SS. During this time, he held various jobs, including working as the executive director of a textile factory, working at a bank, and at a knit-wear factory.
He was convicted for illegal arms possession and embezzlement many times. In 1934, he was also sentenced for two years for the rape of a 14-year-old girl, who belonged to the League of German Girls. He lost his job, military honors, as well as his doctorate.
After his release, he went to Spain where he enlisted in the Spanish Foreign Legion during the Spanish Civil War.
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At the beginning of the Second World War, Dirlewanger volunteered for the Waffen SS. He was given the rank of Obersturmfuhrer (Senior Storm Leader). He was assigned a battalion that eventually became known as the Dirlewanger Brigade. Most of his soldiers were former poachers; later, he even recruited convicted criminals, mental asylum patients as well as political prisoners.
The unit was assigned to security duties initially in German occupied Poland, where he was a SS-TV commandant of a labor camp. Later, when the camp was investigated for abuse by the SS judge Georg Konrad Morgen, he accused Dirlewanger for murder and corruption.
He is known to have committed atrocities such as injecting strychnine into Jewish female prisoners, after whipping and undressing them. He would then watch them convulse to death in front of his eyes. All this was done purely for his entertainment.
He is said to have boiled dead Jewish women with horse meat in order to make soap. It is said that he killed hundreds of school children in Warsaw as well.
His unit was assigned for ‘anti-bandit’ operations in Belarus. He reportedly put civilians inside a barn, set it on fire, and shot anyone trying to escape with machine guns. At least 30,000 Belarusian civilians are believed to have been killed. Some estimates say that as many as 1,20,000 were killed.
Even though Heinrich Himmler knew about his crimes and atrocities, Dirlewanger received the German cross in December 1943 for extermination of ‘bandits’.
In mid-1944, Dirlewanger’s unit fought against the Soviet regulars. During the suppression of the ‘Warsaw Uprising’, he is known to have committed horrendous crimes again. In two days, he is said to have killed as many as 40,000 civilians during the Wola massacre.
He burnt down three hospitals with patients inside. The nurses were whipped, gang-raped and eventually hanged, along with the doctors.
During the Slovak National Uprising in October 1944, Dirlewanger was posted along the front lines of Hungary and eastern Germany to fight against the advancing Red Army. After some months, he was shot in the chest while fighting against the invading Soviets. He eventually went into hiding on 22nd April 1945.
Later Years & Death
Dirlewanger never married.
He was arrested on 1st June 1945, near the town of Altshausen in Upper Swabia by the French occupation zone authorities. He was dressed as a civilian and hiding under a false name in a hunting lodge. He was recognized by a former Jewish concentration camp inmate after which he was brought to the detention center.
He reportedly passed away a few days later, possibly due to ill-treatment by the guards. However, his death is debated by many; some say that he actually escaped and later only later.

See the events in life of Oskar Dirlewanger in Chronological Order

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- Oskar Dirlewanger Biography
- Editors, TheFamousPeople.com
- TheFamousPeople.com

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