Napoleon II Biography

(Emperor of the French for a Few Weeks in 1815)

Birthday: March 20, 1811 (Pisces)

Born In: Tuileries Palace, Paris

Napoleon II was the son of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the France, from his second wife, and had the distinction of being his only legitimate child. He is famous for being the Emperor of the France for only sixteen days. He held many titles as a child, including ‘Prince Imperial’, ‘King of Rome’, ‘Duke of Reichstadt’, etc. His birth was the cause of much celebration for his father since his first wife was childless. He spent only three years with his father before he had to abdicate the throne in favor of his son. Thereafter, his mother left with him for Austria, to her father’s palace, where he spent the rest of his life. He excelled in his military education and aspired to become a leader, but his efforts were thwarted by both his grandfather and the European monarchs. He died of tuberculosis at a young age, before he could serve in any battle. He has inspired many theatrical productions in Europe.
Quick Facts

French Celebrities Born In March

Nick Name: The Eaglet

Also Known As: Franz, Duke of Reichstadt, Napoléon François Charles Joseph Bonaparte

Died At Age: 21


father: Napoleon Bonaparte

mother: Duchess of Parma, Marie Louise

Born Country: France

Emperors & Kings French Men

Died on: July 22, 1832

place of death: Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria

Diseases & Disabilities: Pneumonia

City: Paris

Cause of Death: Tuberculosis

  • 1

    What role did Napoleon II play in the French government?

    Napoleon II did not have a significant role in the French government as he died at a young age before he could ascend to power.

  • 2

    What impact did Napoleon II have on French history?

    Napoleon II's impact on French history was minimal due to his premature death and lack of involvement in political affairs.

  • 3

    Did Napoleon II participate in any military campaigns?

    Napoleon II did not participate in any military campaigns due to his young age and limited military experience.

  • 4

    How was Napoleon II perceived by the French people during his lifetime?

    Napoleon II was largely unknown to the French people during his lifetime, as he did not have the opportunity to establish himself as a public figure.

  • 5

    What was the legacy of Napoleon II in French history?

    The legacy of Napoleon II is often overshadowed by that of his father, Napoleon Bonaparte, as he did not have the chance to leave a lasting impact on French history.

Childhood & Early Life
Napoléon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte was born on March 20, 1811, to Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and Empress Marie Louise of Austria, at the Tuileries Palace, Paris.
A salvo of one hundred cannons broke the news of his birth to the city and he underwent a preliminary baptism on the same day. On June 9, 1811, his formal baptism was held at Notre Dame de Paris.
He was looked after for one year by the royal governess, Louise Charlotte Françoise Le Tellier de Montesquiou, who was affectionately called ‘Maman Quiou’ by him. She is believed to have doted on him and gathered several books to prepare for his education.
In 1814, when his father’s reign ended, he became the ‘Emperor of the French’ at three years old. He saw his father for the last time before he left for Austria with his mother. Soon, he became the ‘Prince of Parma’ and lived as ‘Franz’ in Austria thereafter.
In 1815, his father tried to recapture the throne but was defeated at Waterloo, and abdicated in his favor a second time, making him the emperor yet again. But he was in Austria at the time and reigned only for sixteen days from 22 June to 7 July 1815 as the titular emperor, until King Louis XVIII of France returned.
By 1817, he was living with his mother’s family in Austria, but she stayed in Parma, Italy, and rarely visited him in Austria.
He gained significant military education during his exile in Austria, and by eight years of age, he showed an avid interest in following in his father’s footsteps. He reportedly practiced maneuvers in the palace and dressed up in a miniature version of his father’s uniform.
By 1820, he had finished his basic education and started learning several languages like Italian and German. He also took lessons in mathematics, advanced physical training and military training.
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In 1823, when Napoleon II was 12 years old, he became a cadet in the Austrian army and began his military career.
His militaristic ambitions caught the attention of European leaders like Austrian Chancellor Klemens von Metternich, and French politicians, who took it as a threat to the French throne. Thus, they ensured that he was kept away from all political matters. He was even denied permission to move to the warmer climate of Italy.
The youngster felt stifled by his Austrian family’s restrictions when his grandfather rejected his request to allow him to join the army that was going to Italy to suppress a rebellion.
In 1831, he was finally allowed to command an Austrian battalion, but he never made it that far due to his ill-health.
Awards & Honors
As the only legitimate son of the emperor, Napoleon II was conferred with the title ‘Prince Imperial’ immediately upon his birth and the courtesy title of the heir apparent, ‘King of Rome’.
In 1814, his mother became the ‘Duchess of Parma’ and he was given the title of ‘Prince of Parma’ by the Congress of Vienna.
In 1818, his maternal grandfather, Emperor Francis, conferred the title ‘Duke of Reichstadt’ upon him.
Family & Personal Life
His mother lived with her lover, Adam Albert von Neipperg, in Italy, and had two illegitimate children with him. She rarely visited Napoleon II and the two grew distant from each other.
He was rumored to have a love affair with a Bavarian princess, Sophie, and was suspected to have fathered a son, Maximilian I of Mexico, with her. But the rumors were never confirmed.
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In early 1832, he was bedridden with pneumonia for many months and ultimately passed away on July 22 from tuberculosis at Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna.
In 1940, his sarcophagus was transferred to the dome of Les Invalides in Paris under the orders of Adolf Hitler. But his heart and intestines remain buried in a crypt in Vienna, according to the royal Habsburg house traditions.
In 1900, the noted playwright, Edmond Rostand, wrote the play ‘L’Aiglon’ based on his life.
In 1931, a French and German film, ‘L’Aiglon’, was showcased in European cinemas.
In 1937, ‘L’Aiglon’, a French opera premiered in Europe.
Facts About Napoleon II

Napoleon II, also known as the "King of Rome," was the son of Napoleon Bonaparte and his second wife, Marie Louise of Austria.

He was given the title of King of Rome at birth and was considered the heir to the French Empire.

Despite his young age, Napoleon II was appointed as the titular Emperor of the French after his father's abdication in 1814.

He was known for his intelligence and charm, and was beloved by those who knew him during his short life.

Napoleon II died at the young age of 21, but his legacy as the "King of Rome" lives on in history.

See the events in life of Napoleon II in Chronological Order

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