Kösem Sultan Biography

(Chief Consort and Legal Wife of the Ottoman Sultan Ahmed I)

Born: 1589

Born In: Greece

Kösem Sultan was the chief consort and legal wife of the Ottoman Sultan Ahmed I, ‘valide sultan’ as the mother of sultans Murad IV and Ibrahim, and büyük ("elder") ‘valide sultan’ as the grandmother of Sultan Mehmed IV. She often took part in the government during the reign of her husband Ahmed and later wielded unparalleled political power as regent during the early reign of her son Murad and then again during the minority of her grandson Mehmed. One of the central figures during the Sultanate of Women, she was instrumental in putting an end to the centuries-old practice of fratricide in the Ottoman Empire by convincing Ahmed to spare his brother Mustafa. She also supported enthronement of Mustafa I and retained her status and power despite her banishment during the reign of Osman II.

Quick Facts

Also Known As: Mahpeyker Sultan

Died At Age: 62


Spouse/Ex-: Sultan I. Ahmed (m. 1605–1617)

children: Atike Sultan, Ayşe Sultan, Fatma Sultan (daughter of Ahmed I), Gevherhan Sultan, Hanzade Sultan, Ibrahim I, Murad IV, Şehzade Kasım, Şehzade Mehmed

Born Country: Greece

Turkish Women Women Historical Personalities

Died on: September 2, 1651

place of death: İstanbul, Turkey

  • 1

    When did Kösem Sultan become the legal regent of the Ottoman Empire?

    Kösem Sultan became the legal regent of the Ottoman Empire in 1623 after the death of her son, Sultan Murad IV.
  • 2

    What influence did Kösem Sultan have on Ottoman politics during her regency?

    Kösem Sultan was known for her strong influence on Ottoman politics, making key decisions and appointments during her regency.
  • 3

    How did Kösem Sultan contribute to the cultural and architectural development of the Ottoman Empire?

    Kösem Sultan was a patron of the arts and supported the construction of various architectural projects, including mosques and charitable institutions.
  • 4

    What role did Kösem Sultan play in the Harem of the Ottoman Empire?

    Kösem Sultan held significant power within the Harem, influencing the selection of concubines and the education of princes.
  • 5

    What was Kösem Sultan's legacy in the history of the Ottoman Empire?

    Kösem Sultan is remembered as a powerful and influential figure in Ottoman history, known for her regency and lasting impact on the empire.
Childhood & Early Life

Kösem Sultan was born as Anastasia in around 1589 in the island of Tinos, Republic of Venice, to a Greek Orthodox priest and was kidnapped by Ottoman raiders when she was 14 or 15. She was noticed for her beauty and intelligence by the kızlar ağa, the head eunuch guarding the imperial harem, who sent her to Constantinople.

She was trained with other slave girls to be in the harem of Sultan Ahmed I as an imperial court lady and was taught religion, theology, mathematics, embroidery, singing, music and literature. She quickly captivated Ahmed and became his haseki or chief consort by 1605, with her name changed to Mahpeyker upon her conversion to Islam.

Her name was changed again that year upon her marriage to Ahmed to Kösem, meaning either "leader of the herd”, pointing to her leadership, or "hairless”, due to her smooth and hairless skin. She quickly rose up the hierarchy of the imperial harem as Safiye Sultan, Ahmed's once-powerful grandmother was banished to the Old Palace in 1604 and Handan Sultan, Ahmed's mother, died the next year.

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Kösem Sultan became Haseki Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the Imperial Consort, in November 1605 and received lavish gifts and a stipend of 1,000 aspers a day from her husband. Her first four children were all daughters: Ayşe Sultan, Fatma Sultan, Hanzade Sultan and Gevherhan Sultan, while she bore him four sons as well: Murad, Süleyman, Kasım and Ibrahim.

Upon the birth of her first son in 1612, she took interest in the succession and lobbied to convince Ahmed to spare his half-brother Mustafa, thereby abolishing the common practice of fratricide. The modification of succession to the throne from primogeniture to agnatic seniority was a well-planned initiative taken to secure the future of her own children from Ahmed’s eldest son Osman.

After the sudden death of Ahmed from typhus and gastric bleeding on November 22, 1617, she led a faction that successfully installed Mustafa to the throne. Despite her earlier contribution to abolish fratricide, she had reasons to fear Osman’s ascension to the throne as a threat to her sons.

Mustafa I had no prior experience of government and proved to be a feeble and incompetent ruler. After just 96 days, he was deposed due to rumors of his insanity, following which Ahmed’s eldest son Osman ascended the throne.

Immediately upon ascension, Osman II took power away from Mustafa's supporters, including Kösem, her eight children and entourage, who were banished to the Old Palace (Eski Sarayı). However, she was able to retain her haseki status and daily stipend of 1,000 aspers, and even Osman was affectionate towards her and broke Ottoman convention by paying her a three-day visit at the Old Palace.

Osman further gave her income from eight villages to the north-west of Athens that she incorporated into her waqf to provide services to pilgrims traveling from Damascus to Mecca. Through her influence, she was also able to secure the lives of Mustafa and her own children as Osman, before departing on the Polish campaign of 1621, executed only Mehmed, who was not her son.

Nevertheless, fears of Osman eventually executing Mustafa and his younger brothers remained, which prompted Mustafa's mother Halime Sultan and Kösem to support a planned counter-strike by the eunuch corps and the palace soldiery. Osman, who wanted to create a more loyal army consisting of Anatolian sekbans, was imprisoned in Yedikule at the age of just 17 and strangled by members of the Janissary corps on May 20, 1622.

While Kösem supported restoring Mustafa to the throne for a second time with her and Halime orchestrating from the behind, many reacted violently to the regicide and attempted to protect Ahmed’s other sons from Halime. Mustafa had ordered the execution of everyone involved in Osman’s murder, including Kösem’s sons, but she used the eunuch corps to depose him and negotiated with the viziers to install her son Murad as sultan.

As her minor son ascended to the throne on September 10, 1623, Kösem returned to the Topkapı Palace with a great ceremony as valide sultan as well as official regent. Upon Murad’s ascension, his brothers and Mustafa were confined in the Kafes, a part of the imperial harem where possible successors to the throne were kept under house arrest.

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During the early years of Murad's reign, she had to deal with foreign enemies and powerful local nobles who attempted to undermine the Ottoman state's power and authority. While Murad took power for himself and ruled with a heavy hand after coming of age, he was known to consider inputs from his mother until his death, possibly from chronic alcohol consumption, in 1640.

Murad had previously executed his brothers Süleyman and Kasım, stepbrother Bayezid, and also uncle Mustafa according to some sources, making Kösem's last surviving son, the mentally unstable Ibrahim, his successor. Ibrahim, who lived in fear of being executed next, had to be convinced to take the throne by showing him his brother's corpse.

Kösem, who was forced to cut her political ties by Murad, again gained power as she ruled in her son’s name. She also focused on ensuring the dynasty's survival when, due to Ibrahim’s erratic behaviour, statesmen decided to dethrone him in August 1648, but was forced to give her consent to Ibrahim's execution.

Ibrahim was succeeded by his seven-year-old son Mehmed, following which Kösem developed a rivalry with his mother, Turhan Sultan, who was denied the opportunity to be valide sultan and regent due to inexperience. As Turhan began to assert her rightful authority, Kösem promoted herself to the previously non-existent rank of büyük ("elder") valide to outrank the former.

She reportedly plotted to dethrone Mehmed and replace him with his half brother to get rid of Turhan Sultan, but ministers and public figures who resented her alliance with the Janissaries called for her execution. On the night of September 2, 1651, Kösem was assassinated by being strangled with either curtain strings or her own hair by men in Turhan Sultan’s entourage.

Facts About Kösem Sultan
Kösem Sultan was known for her intelligence and political acumen, playing a key role in the governance of the Ottoman Empire during her time.
She was a patron of the arts and supported the construction of several important architectural projects, leaving a lasting cultural legacy.
Kösem Sultan was fluent in multiple languages, including Persian and Arabic, which helped her communicate effectively with foreign dignitaries and diplomats.
She was a devoted mother and grandmother, actively involved in the upbringing and education of her children and grandchildren.
Kösem Sultan was known for her charitable works, providing support to the less fortunate and contributing to various social welfare projects during her reign.

See the events in life of Kösem Sultan in Chronological Order

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- Kösem Sultan Biography
- Editors, TheFamousPeople.com
- TheFamousPeople.com

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