William Carey Biography


Birthday: August 17, 1761 (Leo)

Born In: Paulerspury

Known as the ‘Father of the Modern Missions’, William Carey was a prominent English Baptist missionary and a Baptist minister. Coming from a religious background, Carey was inspired with the ideas of Christianity and wanted it to spread everywhere in the world. He started his life as a shoemaker, although he insisted on being called a cobbler, but slowly and steadily got influenced to become a dissenter. His exceptional knack for learning languages helped him to learn various languages like Hebrew, Latin, Dutch, etc. and started translating religious scriptures. Because of his knowledge and passion, he was made a schoolteacher and the pastor to the local Baptist Church. He later set off on a mission to India with his family, where he settled down in a Dutch colony in Serampore, where he worked towards spreading Christianity in the Indian society. He learnt many languages in India and helped in the translation of the Bible in 44 different languages and dialects - he also taught Bengali in Serampore College. He helped in the abolition of cruel religious customs in India, like, female infanticide and sati, and was strongly against caste distinction.
Quick Facts

British Celebrities Born In August

Also Known As: Father of Modern Missions

Died At Age: 72


Spouse/Ex-: Charlotte, Charlotte Rhumohr (m.1808), Dorothy Plackett (m.1781), Grace Hughes

father: Edmund

mother: Elizabeth Carey

children: Felix, Peter

British Men

Died on: June 9, 1834

place of death: Serampore

More Facts

education: August 17, 1761

  • 1

    What were William Carey's major contributions to the field of missionary work?

    William Carey is known for his significant contributions to the field of missionary work, including translating the Bible into numerous languages, establishing the Serampore Mission in India, and advocating for social reforms.

  • 2

    How did William Carey impact the spread of Christianity in India?

    William Carey's efforts in translating the Bible, promoting education, and advocating for social reforms greatly influenced the spread of Christianity in India and laid the foundation for future missionary work in the region.

  • 3

    What challenges did William Carey face during his missionary work in India?

    William Carey faced various challenges during his missionary work in India, such as language barriers, cultural differences, opposition from local authorities, and limited resources. Despite these obstacles, he persevered in his mission.

  • 4

    What is the legacy of William Carey in the history of missions?

    William Carey's legacy in the history of missions is profound, as he is often referred to as the "Father of Modern Missions." His pioneering efforts, translation work, and advocacy for social justice continue to inspire and influence missionary work around the world.

  • 5

    How did William Carey's approach to missionary work differ from previous methods?

    William Carey's approach to missionary work differed from previous methods by emphasizing the importance of learning local languages, understanding cultural contexts, and promoting sustainable, long-term missions. His holistic approach set a new standard for missionary work.

Childhood & Early Life
William Carey was born on August 17, 1761 in the village of Paulerspury in Northamptonshire, England to Edmund and Elizabeth Carey. His father was a parish clerk and a village schoolmaster as well.
Carey was an inquisitive child and was interested in the natural sciences, especially botany. He was also proficient in many languages and learnt Latin on his own.
His health did not allow him to purse agriculture, which is why at the age of sixteen he became an apprentice to a shoemaker in Hackleton. Later, he became a shoemaker himself.
At his apprenticeship, Carey met a Dissenter, John Warr, and in due course of time, he left the Church of England and joined other Dissenters to form a small Congregational Church near Hackletown.
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Life & Work
After Carey’s mentor, Clarke Nichols, died in 1779, he worked under Thomas Old and soon after his death, he took over his business. By this time, he had taught himself to read Hebrew, Italian, Dutch and French.
He was by now invited to preach in the church near village of Earls Barton on Sundays and soon he was baptized by John Ryland and committed himself to the Baptist denomination.
In 1785, he became the schoolmaster for the Moulton village and was asked to serve as the pastor to the local Baptist church. He was now inspired to proliferate the Christian Gospel, after reading David Brainerd, James Cook, etc.
Carey became the full-time pastor of Harvey Lane Baptist Church, Leicester, in 1789 and a few years later, he wrote his missionary manifesto, ‘An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to use Means for the Conversion of the Heathen’.
The short book contained the theological justification for missionary activities, history of missionary activities, religion statistics of every country in the world, possible objections of sending missionaries and their solution, plan for the formation of a missionary society, etc.
Carey, along with his family, sailed from England to India in 1793 in order to spread their Christian mission. He managed the indigo plant of his son’s friend for first six years to support the mission.
More missionaries were sent to India, like, John Fountain, William Ward, Joshua Marshman, etc but because the East India Company was antagonistic to missionaries, they settled in Danish colonies and were joined by Carey in 1800.
They all settled in Serampore in a big house that accommodated their families as well as a school. Carey started printing the Bible in Bengali and started the conversion process of Hindus.
Carey was offered the position of a professor of Bengali at Fort William by Governor-General in 1801. In his influential position, Carey started working towards the abolition of the evil practices of sati and infant sacrifice.
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He started translating literature and sacred writings from the original Sanskrit into English to make them accessible to his own countrymen. During his lifetime, mission printed and distributed Bible in 44 languages and dialects.
The mission established Serampore College in 1818 to train original ministers for the church and to provide education in the arts and sciences to anyone without any bias. A royal charter made the college the first degree-granting organization in Asia.
In 1820, Carey founded the Agri Horticultural Society of India at Alipore, Kolkata, propagating his lifelong passion for botany.
With the new secretary of the missionary society in England, John Dyer, Carey’s differences started growing and eventually he left the mission ground and devoted his life to preaching and teaching students until his death.
Major Works
The major work of Carey’s life is considered to be his devotion to modern Christian missionary movement and his time devoted in converting Hindus into Christianity, translating Bible in 44 Indian languages and dialects and teaching at Serampore College.
Personal Life & Legacy
In 1781, Carey got married to his boss Thomas Old’s sister-in-law, Dorothy Plackett, in Piddington. They together had seven children, five sons and two daughters. Three of his children died during their childhood.
From the time when Carey and his family settled in India, Dorothy started having troubles with adjusting emotionally and mentally and subsequently lost her mental balance and became psychologically affected. She died in 1807.
In 1808 Carey got married to Charlotte Rhumohr, a Danish member of his church who was not illiterate like Dorothy and was quite involved in her husband’s work. They were married for 13 years until her death.
He died in India in 1834 and the couch that he died on is now housed for exhibition at Regent’s Park College, the Baptist hall of the University of Oxford.
Facts About William Carey

William Carey, known as the "Father of Modern Missions," was a self-taught linguist who learned several languages, including Bengali, Sanskrit, and Marathi, to translate the Bible into local dialects.

Carey was a botanist and horticulturist who introduced many new plant species to India, including the mango, the avocado, and the cashew.

Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Carey was known for his perseverance and determination in spreading the message of Christianity in India.

Carey was a strong advocate for social reforms in India, including the abolition of practices such as sati (widow burning) and infanticide.

Carey's legacy lives on through the work of the organization he founded, the Baptist Missionary Society, which continues to support missions and humanitarian efforts around the world.

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- William Carey Biography
- Editors, TheFamousPeople.com
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