Famous Israeli Spiritual & Religious Leaders

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(Judean Prophet)
Birthdate: 0800 BC
Birthplace: Kingdom of Judah
Died: 0700 BC

Israelite prophet Isaiah is mentioned in the Book of Isaiah of the Bible. Some believe the 8th-century prophet had written all the 66 chapters of the Book of Isaiah, while others believe two separate portions were written by two people. He also finds mention in Judaism and Islam.

Birthdate: 0655 BC
Birthplace: Anathoth
Died: 0586 BC

Jeremiah was one of the major prophets, according to the Hebrew Bible. As per Jewish tradition, he authored the Book of Lamentations, the Books of Kings, and the Book of Jeremiah. According to Judaism, Jeremiah is the second of the major prophets and the Book of Jeremiah is often considered a part of the religion's canon.

Birthdate: 0622 BC
Birthplace: Jerusalem
Died: 0570 BC

The Book of Ezekiel, or The Prophecy of Ezechiel, of the Hebrew Bible talks about Ezekiel, the prophet. He is said to have lived near the Chebar River during the Babylonian Captivity. In about 592 BC, Ezekiel received a religious call, having viewed the “throne-chariot” of God in a vision.

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Thomas the Apostle
Birthplace: Galilee, Israel
Died: December 21, 0072

Thomas the Apostle was one of Jesus Christ's Twelve Apostles, according to the New Testament. He is often called Doubting Thomas as he doubted Jesus' resurrection. Widely considered the patron saint of India, Thomas is believed to have traveled to present-day Kerala, where Christianity is a major religion. Hence, he is credited with popularizing the religion in South India.

(Religious Leader)

Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin who finds mention in the Gospel of John. According to the gospel, Nicodemus provides the embalming spices required to prepare the body of Jesus for burial after the Crucifixion of Jesus. He is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church and in the various Eastern Churches.

Saint Stephen
Birthdate: 0005 AD
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel
Died: 0036 AD
Saint Stephen is considered Christianity’s first martyr. The Acts of the Apostles of the New Testament mention him as the deacon of the Church at Jerusalem who created enmity among various synagogues. He was eventually stoned to death after he denounced the Jewish leaders in a speech.
Birthplace: Zorah

Mentioned in the biblical Book of Judges, Samson was an Israelite warrior, known for his long hair, which was the reason behind his superhuman strength. He had killed a lion with his bare hands but was eventually betrayed by his lover, Delilah, who cut his hair while he slept.

(Religious Leader)
Birthplace: Ur Kaśdim, Mesopotamia

Abraham is an important historical character, considered one of the fathers of the human race by the Abrahamic religions, including Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Abrahamic religions believe that Abraham was in contact with God; his story and life events have inspired several important paintings, sculptures, works of literature, and music.

James, brother of Jesus
(Martyr and Jesus' brother)
James, brother of Jesus
Birthplace: Nazareth, Israel
Died: 0062 AD

James, brother of Jesus, was a Christian apostle and led the Jerusalem Christians. Mentioned in the Gospels as one of the four brothers of Jesus. He was apparently stoned to death or thrown from a tower by priestly authorities. Some scholars believe he was more of a cousin of Jesus.

John The Baptist
(Jewish Prophet and Christian Saint)
John The Baptist
Birthplace: Herodian Tetrarchy, Roman Empire
Died: 0030 AD

John the Baptist was a 1st century AD Jewish preacher. The Gospels mention John as the forerunner of Jesus, as John announces Jesus's arrival and Jesus describes him as “Elijah who is to come.” It is also believed that John had baptized Jesus. John was eventually beheaded by Herod Antipas.

Mary, Mother of Jesus
(Mother of Jesus)
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Birthdate: September 8, 0018
Sun Sign: Virgo
Birthplace: Nazareth
Died: 0033 AD

The mother of Jesus Christ and the wife of Joseph, Mary, also known as the Virgin Mary, finds mention in both the New Testament and the Quran. Though most Catholic scholars believe in traditional Marian dogmas, Protestants have often argued, questioning ideas such as the Assumption of Mary.

(Isaac's Son)
Birthplace: Canaan

Esau, who finds mention in the Hebrew Bible, was the elder son of Isaac. Apart from The Book of Genesis, he is also mentioned in The New Testament. Esau was rough and hairy, and had become a hunter, whereas his twin Jacob was a simple man.

(Is a figure who, in the narratives of the Hebrew Bible, plays a key role in the transition from the period of the biblical judges)
Birthdate: 1070 BC
Birthplace: Ramathaim-Zophim
Died: 1012 BC
Meir Kahane
(Politician, Rabbi, Journalist)
Meir Kahane
Birthdate: August 1, 1932
Sun Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Brooklyn
Died: November 5, 1990

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Meir Kahane was an Israeli rabbi, best remembered as the founder of the Kach Party. He moved to Israel after being imprisoned for alleged militant activities. Though he acquired a seat in the Israeli parliament, his party was banned for its racist nature.

Mary in Islam
(Religious leader)
Mary in Islam
Birthdate: 0018 AD
Birthplace: Nazareth, Israel; Judea, Israel; Roman Empire, Ancient Rome
Died: 0033 AD
Birthdate: 1896 BC
Birthplace: Canaan
Died: 1716 BC

Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah, finds mention in the Genesis as one of the three Israelite patriarchs. To test Abraham’s devotion, God had asked him to sacrifice Isaac but had spared his life at the last moment. No historical evidence that could prove his existence has been found yet.

(Wife of Isaac)
Birthplace: Israel
(Daughter of Laban)
Saint Matthias
(Religious Leader)
Saint Matthias
Birthdate: 0001 AD
Birthplace: Judea
Died: 0080 AD

Saint Matthias was chosen by the disciples of Jesus Christ (the apostles) to replace Judas Iscariot. Matthias was chosen following Judas' betrayal of Jesus. Matthias' calling as an apostle is unique as he was not originally chosen by Jesus Christ.

(Religious Leader)
Birthdate: 0800 BC
Birthplace: Tekoa
Died: 0745 BC
(David's son)
Birthplace: Hebron, Judah, Israel
Judas Maccabeus
Judas Maccabeus
Birthplace: Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut
Died: February 29, 0160
Birthdate: 0000
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: Gamla
Died: 0052 AD
James, son of Alphaeus
James, son of Alphaeus
Birthplace: Galilee
Died: 0062 AD
Rabbi Akiva
Rabbi Akiva
Birthdate: 0050 AD
Birthplace: Caesarea, Israel
Died: 0135 AD
Abraham Isaac Kook
(rabbi, mystic, Rosh yeshiva)
Abraham Isaac Kook
Birthdate: September 7, 1865
Sun Sign: Virgo
Birthplace: Grīva
Died: September 1, 1935
Yitzhak Kaduri
Yitzhak Kaduri
Birthdate: 1898 AD
Birthplace: Baghdad, Iraq
Died: January 28, 2006
Pope Theodore I
(Bishop of Rome from 24 November 642)
Pope Theodore I
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel
Died: May 4, 0649
Johanan ben Zakkai
Johanan ben Zakkai
Birthdate: 0030 AD
Birthplace: Israel
Died: 0090 AD
Isaac Halevi Herzog
(Chief Rabbi)
Isaac Halevi Herzog
Birthdate: December 3, 1888
Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: Lomza, Poland
Died: July 25, 1959

The first Chief Rabbi of Ireland, Isaac Halevi Herzog had later also been the Chief Rabbi of Palestine and, later, of Israel. He is remembered for his efforts in merging the traditional Jewish beliefs with modern living requirements. He also made contributions to resolve the Arab–Jewish conflict of Palestine.

Elazar Shach
(Political leader)
Elazar Shach
Birthdate: January 1, 1899
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Birthplace: Vabalninkas, Lithuania
Died: November 2, 2001
Elisha ben Abuyah
Elisha ben Abuyah
Birthdate: 0070 AD
Birthplace: Jerusalem
Simeon of Jerusalem
Simeon of Jerusalem
Birthdate: 0014 AD
Birthplace: Galilee, Israel
Died: 0107 AD
Moses ben Jacob Cordovero
(Religious Leader)
Moses ben Jacob Cordovero
Birthdate: 1522 AD
Birthplace: Safed, Israel
Died: June 27, 1570

Moses ben Jacob Cordovero probably belonged to a family that had migrated from Spain to Israel during the Spanish Inquisition. Also known as Ramak, he grew up to be a Galilean rabbi who penned summarized versions of the Kabbalah, such as Elimah rabati. He also taught Kabbalist Isaac Luria.

Amnon Yitzhak
Amnon Yitzhak
Birthdate: November 8, 1953
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: Ramla, Israel
Yosef Shalom Eliashiv
Yosef Shalom Eliashiv
Birthdate: April 10, 1910
Sun Sign: Aries
Birthplace: Šiauliai, Lithuania
Died: July 18, 2012
Mordechai Eliyahu
Mordechai Eliyahu
Birthdate: March 3, 1929
Sun Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel
Died: June 7, 2010
Rabbi Ishmael
Rabbi Ishmael
Birthdate: 0090 AD
Birthplace: Israel
Died: 0135 AD
Gamaliel II
Gamaliel II
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel
Died: 0114 AD
Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital
Ḥayyim ben Joseph Vital
Birthdate: 1543 AD
Birthplace: Ẕefat, Israel
Died: May 23, 1620
Menachem Froman
(Religious leader)
Menachem Froman
Birthdate: June 1, 1945
Sun Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Galilee, Israel
Died: March 4, 2013
Eleazar ben Azariah
(Nationality: Israeli Religious Leader)
Eleazar ben Azariah
Birthplace: Land of Israel
Moshe Levinger
Moshe Levinger
Birthdate: 1935 AD
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel
Died: May 16, 2015
Hesychius of Jerusalem
Hesychius of Jerusalem
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel
Died: 0433 AD
Moshe Yehoshua Hager
(Religious leader)
Moshe Yehoshua Hager
Birthdate: June 14, 1916
Sun Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Died: March 14, 2012
Gamaliel III
Gamaliel III
Birthplace: Unknown
Died: 0235 AD