British Terrorists

Rank the Most Wicked British Terrorists

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Jihadi John
(British Militant Seen in Several 'ISIS' Videos Showing the Beheadings of Numerous Hostages in 2014 and 2015)
Jihadi John
Birthdate: August 17, 1988
Sun Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Al Jahra, Kuwait
Died: November 12, 2015

Jihadi John was a Kuwaiti-born British militant who is believed to have been the person seen in several ISIL videos that showcased the beheadings of numerous hostages in 2014 and 2015. In November 2015, officials from the US reported that John was hit by a drone strike and his death was confirmed in 2016 by the extremist group ISIL.

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh
Birthdate: December 23, 1973
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Birthplace: London, England
Height: 6'2" (188 cm)
Samantha Lewthwaite
(Suspected Terrorist)
Samantha Lewthwaite
Birthdate: December 5, 1983
Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: Banbridge, United Kingdom
Died: November 12, 2014

Called the ‘white widow’, British national Samantha Lewthwaite is one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. She has been linked to the Somali terrorist group Al Shabaab and was reportedly involved in the 2013 Nairobi Westgate shopping mall terror attack. She is the widow of one of the four suicide bombers who carried out the July 2005 London subway terror attacks.

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Richard Reid
Richard Reid
Birthdate: August 12, 1973
Sun Sign: Leo
Birthplace: Bromley, United Kingdom
Mohammad Sidique Khan
(Former Al Qaeda suicide bombers and believed to be the leader responsible for the 7 July 2005)
Mohammad Sidique Khan
Birthdate: October 20, 1974
Sun Sign: Libra
Birthplace: Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Died: July 7, 2005